Analogger notes that:
Barbie scored some dynamite X from Lindsay Lohan then wandered into Ken’s house where she discovered his Minimoog. Barbie plugged the ancient synth into a 50 watt Orange amp. Oscillator three was used as a square wave LFO to modulate the cutoff frequency of the filter. Ken showed up unannounced and came unspooled upon seeing Barbie fiddling with his prize synth. Using a trick she learned from Lindsay, Barbie dropped to her knees and gave Ken a ‘little treat.’ Ken calls it ‘Barbie blow jazz.’
Yes – it’s a little twisted and wrong, but we think you should check it out anyway:
“I’m in fucking Target buying a Barbie doll, for Christ’s sake. I looked for a GI Joe but they didn’t have one. I was thinking Barbie could be a ‘musical terrorist’ and GI Joe would “‘bring her to justice.’ I’m trying to do something constructive with my chemical imbalance – until then I’ll produce this crap,” adds Analogger.
More sick and twisted, please!