Synthogy has announced the release of Ivory Grand Pianos version 1.7, the latest version of their popular and award winning virtual grand piano plug-in. Ivory Grand Pianos 1.7 features compatibility with Apple OS X 10.5 Leopard and 10.4.x Tiger for Universal Binary AU, RTAS, VST and Standalone support. Version 1.7 is available as a free update to all registered Ivory Grand Pianos users.
Additionally, Synthogy has announced that the Ivory 1.7 software engine will now be included with Ivory Italian Grand. The original Italian Grand expansion pack for Ivory will be discontinued when the new version is released. No longer just an expansion for existing Ivory owners, Ivory Italian Grand ($169.00 MSRP) will now be a complete, free-standing Virtual Instrument that includes Ivory’s powerful, custom piano engine technology. Synthogy co-founder Joe Ierardi says, “The Italian Grand is a remarkable handcrafted instrument. We’re pleased to be able to offer this amazing piano as a complete, free-standing product, to a much wider market, as our most affordable virtual instrument to date.”
The new Ivory Italian Grand will be available in February of 2008. With the upcoming release of their new Ivory Upright Pianos, and the 1.7 re-issue of their debut product Ivory Grand Pianos, Synthogy will have three piano product offerings, all of which will include the Ivory piano engine.
Also coinciding with the release of Ivory Grand Pianos 1.7, Synthogy now supports Pace iLok authentication for all of their products. “In response to overwhelming user requests for iLok authorization, we are pleased to offer iLok support with Ivory 1.7,” says Ierardi. “The move to iLok greatly simplifies our registration process, and provides a far more portable and reliable form of authorization for our end users, who will no longer be faced with running out of authorizations, having to re-authorize Ivory when upgrading computers, updating or reinstalling an OS, changing hard drives, or making other system changes.” iLok keys are available from Pace and many dealers.
Ivory Grand Pianos, Ivory Italian Grand, and Ivory Upright Pianos are being distributed in North America by ILIO, carrying the highest quality virtual instruments, sample libraries, and creative tools for professional musicians.
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