Soul Coughing’s Mike Doughty is looking for rooms to rock:
So I’ve been laptop-djing afterparties on this tour (check out for a taste of my musique), but I’m lacking gigs.
If you have a bar with a decent soundsystem, and would maybe like me to come by late night and play, drop me a line at md (at) mikedoughty (dot) com.
Mike’s site lists multiple dates he’s looking for DJ gigs for:
- Boston 4/9
- Brooklyn!!! 4/10
- Philly 4/11
- Troy NY 4/12
- Pittsburgh 4/13
- Cincinnati 4/14
- Memphis 4/16
- Dallas 4/18
- Houston 4/19
- Austin 4/20
- Santa Fe 4/22
- Boulder 4/23
- Salt Lake City 4/24
- Portland OR 4/26
- Seattle 4/27
- Los Angeles 4/30
- San Diego 5/1