The video shows cursor and bar control for 8 daisy-chained Stribe1s, brightness control and full display animation.
About The Stribe kit:
- A modular version of the original stribe project.
- Each Stribe1 has 1 softpot touchstrip and 2 columns of 64 LEDs.
- Right now, you need to already have an Arduino or some other microcontroller interface to use a Stribe1. Each Stribe1 has (2) MAX7221 LED driver chips that can be controlled by an SPI bus. You’ll also need some software to communicate with the microcontroller board, like Max/MSP or PD (pure data) (free).
- Daisy Chainable: up to 8 Stribe1’s can be chained together using a 16 conductor ribbon cable and 7 jumpers between the Stribe1’s. You’ll need 8 analog in’s, so be sure to get the SMT Arduino as the through-hole version only has 6.