7 Reasons To Hate Microsoft Songsmith

Last week, we reported, rather breathlessly, that “Microsoft Songsmith Makes Everybody A Composer!

Here’s Microsoft’s ad for Songsmith:

Microsoft Songsmith promises to let you create fully arranged songs by just singing into your computer. You sing, it adds music and nobody gets hurt, right?

Not exactly.

We’ve heard what Microsoft can do – and it’s not pretty. Give these example a listen and lets us know what you think!

7 Reasons To Hate Microsoft Songsmith:

#1: It Emasculates Metallica. 

Metallica’s Enter Sandman + Microsoft Songsmith = Enter Songsmith. It also = a bag of suck.

We didn’t think it was possible to emasculate Metallica – but Songsmith can do it. 

Unfortunately, that’s just the beginning.

#2: It Turns “Wonderwall” Into Crappy Techno


#3 Somebody Remixed The Songsmith Ad And It Could Make You Spew Coffee Through Your Nose

#4: Songsmith turns The Polices’s Roxanne Into An Awful Calypso Tune


This video shows what Microsoft Songsmith can do with The Police’s classic, Roxanne. Imagine if the classics of the past had been written with the help of Songsmith. 

#5: Songsmith is not “Just What I Needed”

#6 It Can Ruin Your Music, Even When You’re A Dead Guy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbtlEPIlyfU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTCdUXAFYR8

#7 It Can Make Rickrolling Even More Annoying


And the extra bonus reason to hate Microsoft Songsmith: they forgot the cowbell!

SongSmith More Cowbell Edition

With help from More Cowbell.


If that isn’t enough Songsmith to scorch your eardrums – don’t miss out on the remixes at Radio Clash.

8 thoughts on “7 Reasons To Hate Microsoft Songsmith

  1. Oh, dear Lord! Why, that is the biggest bag of suck that ever I did see/hear!

    And yet… I finally have a version of “Wonderwall” I can actually listen to without screaming, after years of hating it with a fiery passion.

  2. I can´t believe this. Guys working at MS must really lost any taste for music. And by the way, somebody screwed up really bad, if they didn´t test some classics with this grandiose software.
    Where the heck can one get the Accapellas for The Police and Metallica from?

    Anyway, expect new Hits coming soon – made with Songsmith!

  3. Feels very said, listened the first video, and i was on mobile had to refresh the page after a few seconds, it was simply a waste of every byte is received.

    Bandwidth trash…

    Snif snif…. You better take reason or so, or a real vocoder, than you can sing and play like queen…

    Sounds like a casio toy when i was 4 years or so…

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