Daft Punk To Score TR2N (Tron 2)

Billboard reports that Daft Punk has been signed to score the soundtrack for Tron 2 (TR2N):

Daft Punk, the French electronica duo known for their robot personas, have been tapped by Walt Disney Pictures to compose the score for “TR2N”, an update of the studio’s 1982 science fiction classic “Tron”, Billboard has confirmed.

The film, currently in production, is tentatively scheduled for a 2011 release.

The “TR2N” score marks Daft Punk’s first foray into the studio since 2005’s “Human After All.”

The musicians, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter split their time between Paris and Los Angeles, where they have have assembled a new recording studio for the TR2N project.

“We’re always trying to do something that hasn’t been done, or ultimately, that we aren’t doing ourselves yet,” notes Banglater.

The original Tron featured an original electronic score by synth pioneer Wendy Carlos.

What do you think about Daft Punk doing the score for Tron 2? Do you think that they are up to the task? Should they have gone back to Wendy Carlos to score the sequel?

15 thoughts on “Daft Punk To Score TR2N (Tron 2)

  1. I will reserve judgement until I hear the result.

    As far as the original soundtrack is concerned, I’d encourage everyone to refresh their opinion with a listen to the CD release. I can’t think of a better example of synthesis merged with orchestra.

  2. Reserve judgment? How about reserve it forever and keep it to yourself when you do hear it, and just enjoy it and everything else and shut the f-up. People just cant wait to judge shit.

    Having said that, the original score sounds a bit dated these days, moog sounds have been flipped upside down since then. And this new Daft score will be a very important piece of music.

  3. No one knows how the result will sound…Daft punk for me are not music geniuses. I love most of their tracks but i find it a little hard to accept the big usage of very long and clear samples in some, like they were djing in a club. They have a talent in production though, and much higher level of music and technology knowledge than most of “top” commercial djs.. On the other side, Wendy Carlos was a modern composer – not so radical IMO – and she knew how to use the technology of her age, to bring proper “new” timbres to her compositions. For 2011, i prefer Daft Punk. Carlos has stuck with a specific music genre, which is hard to fit in the futuristic era we live nowadays. I think that i don’t even liked Tron 1 soundtrack on the movie. It was a wonderful piece of music, but it wasn’t so proper for the specific movie…it didn’t sound “futuristic” IMO…

  4. Not sure what to think here. The director (or Disney) felt that Daft Punk’s style (house, though it occasionally varies) would fit the film, but to me, having house in Tron doesn’t seem like much sense. I’d rather have something more like Benny Benassi, though I’ve not seen Tron in awhile.

    Also, I agree with Alex, they’re not geniuses. They know how to produce, mix, spot samples, make songs, and they’re damn good at all of this, but there’s so many four beat loops that it’s a bit ridiculous. I hope they think “Voyager” or “Face to Face” when they sample, not “Robot Rock” or “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” (though HBFS is still a great song).

    PS: I think we all (or at least most of us) can agree that we don’t want it (overall) to be like Human After All!

  5. WTF? Disney is releasing sequels to both “Tron” and “Dark Crystal” (it’s true) DECADES after the originals came out? Perhaps someone with some creative talent took a look at their recent works and decided to rehash some of their classics. “Witch Mountain” is also being re-released, “Black Hole” is probably next. Maybe they can re-do “One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing”. As far as Daft Punk doing the soundtrack, I will wait and see/hear….

  6. Daft Punk is a very marketable choice. They’ve got a keen ear for catchy samples, but virtuoso performers they aren’t.

    So, it’ll be intriguing to see who else collaborates with them for their score — it seems unlikely they’d do it by themselves without an orchestrator or other talents skilled at less linear arrangement. A Carlos-Daft Punk blessed collaboration would be dreamy.

  7. I’m skeptical about the idea of a TR2N and about having Daft Punk score it – but it should at least be interesting to see what comes of this.

  8. are you guys joking? a daft punk soundtrack would be INCREDIBLE. they've done soundtrack work before, and it wasn;t all loopy disco-house. this is going to be very cool.

  9. With the Daft Punk news, I'm now pessimistic about the "TR2N" project. (Would it seem better if the "2" wasn't pretending to be an "O"?) Not to dis any artists, but there's no more justification for using them than say Tangerine Dream or… Journey. Wendy Carlos, on the other hand, was an inspired choice given her status as a pioneer and a highly original composer. "TRON" reached iconic status because it was both artistic and entertaining. Its vision never pandered to popular audiences. Have they forgotten what made it great?

    I suppose it's logical to try to "update" both the sound and look of the world inside the computer to address advances in the computer industry since 1982– but for me "TRON" is about the nostalgic beginnings of 8-bit home computing. (Many of the original film's references hark back further, to the mainframe era.) I'm not interested in seeing TRON advance to 128-bit multiprocessors. This musical choice is the first sign that the film project could be going horribly wrong.

    Disney, in characteristic form, used Buena Vista as a cover until they were sure "TRON" wouldn't embarrass them. Now they're going further and messing with its DNA. It's so easy to ruin a masterpiece by thoughtlessly rehashing it. I'm very disappointed by this news.

  10. With the Daft Punk news, I'm now pessimistic about the "TR2N" project. (Would it seem better if the "2" wasn't pretending to be an "O"?) Not to dis any artists, but there's no more justification for using them than say Tangerine Dream or… Journey. Wendy Carlos, on the other hand, was an inspired choice given her status as a pioneer and a highly original composer. "TRON" reached iconic status because it was both artistic and entertaining. Its vision never pandered to popular audiences. Have they forgotten what made it great?

    I suppose it's logical to try to "update" both the sound and look of the world inside the computer to address advances in the computer industry since 1982– but for me "TRON" is about the nostalgic beginnings of 8-bit home computing. (Many of the original film's references hark back further, to the mainframe era.) I'm not interested in seeing TRON advance to 128-bit multiprocessors. This musical choice is the first sign that the film project could be going horribly wrong.

    Disney, in characteristic form, used Buena Vista as a cover until they were sure "TRON" wouldn't embarrass them. Now they're going further and messing with its DNA. It's so easy to ruin a masterpiece by thoughtlessly rehashing it. I'm very disappointed by this news.

  11. With the Daft Punk news, I'm now pessimistic about the "TR2N" project. (Would it seem better if the "2" wasn't pretending to be an "O"?) Not to dis any artists, but there's no more justification for using them than say Tangerine Dream or… Journey. Wendy Carlos, on the other hand, was an inspired choice given her status as a pioneer and a highly original composer. "TRON" reached iconic status because it was both artistic and entertaining. Its vision never pandered to popular audiences. Have they forgotten what made it great?

    I suppose it's logical to try to "update" both the sound and look of the world inside the computer to address advances in the computer industry since 1982– but for me "TRON" is about the nostalgic beginnings of 8-bit home computing. (Many of the original film's references hark back further, to the mainframe era.) I'm not interested in seeing TRON advance to 128-bit multiprocessors. This musical choice is the first sign that the film project could be going horribly wrong.

    Disney, in characteristic form, used Buena Vista as a cover until they were sure "TRON" wouldn't embarrass them. Now they're going further and messing with its DNA. It's so easy to ruin a masterpiece by thoughtlessly rehashing it. I'm very disappointed by this news.

  12. how many 20 year olds does it take to completely screw up a franchise? franchises do poorly when they drop original music scores that made them what they were. music is 89% of a movie, dropping carlos's original score is one of the things that made tron 1 great. terminator, bond and and star trek all SUCK after removing original scores. At least lucas has enough brains not to drop. I am tired of shit reboot after shit reboot and shit sequel with 20 year old cokeheads aparently not bright enough to recognize music and costume continuity. sequel and reboot making is pretty much a no brainer. where would indy or jaws or psycho be without thier great soundtracks? im also betting the original cast is in less than 15 minutes of the reboot disguised as a sequel. after seeing them remove the cool disc throwing and derezing, im borederline on skipping reboots in general. star trek 2009 and terminator both sucked ass for removing thier original music (i would have been happy even with original classic tv show music than the terrible star trek 2009 score).i knew it would suck and was correct, im predicting it for tron 2. sometimes some of us are bright enough to recognize a huge turd without having to step in it first.

  13. how many 20 year olds does it take to completely screw up a franchise? franchises do poorly when they drop original music scores that made them what they were. music is 89% of a movie, dropping carlos's original score is one of the things that made tron 1 great. terminator, bond and and star trek all SUCK after removing original scores. At least lucas has enough brains not to drop. I am tired of shit reboot after shit reboot and shit sequel with 20 year old cokeheads aparently not bright enough to recognize music and costume continuity. sequel and reboot making is pretty much a no brainer. where would indy or jaws or psycho be without thier great soundtracks? im also betting the original cast is in less than 15 minutes of the reboot disguised as a sequel. after seeing them remove the cool disc throwing and derezing, im borederline on skipping reboots in general. star trek 2009 and terminator both sucked ass for removing thier original music (i would have been happy even with original classic tv show music than the terrible star trek 2009 score).i knew it would suck and was correct, im predicting it for tron 2. sometimes some of us are bright enough to recognize a huge turd without having to step in it first.

  14. also its looking like with the red outfit that bridges plays a bad guy and replaces sark wich is a huge mistake and makes no sense and we spend 89% of the movie looking for a way to cure bridges with bridges out of view.dropping carlos's score is a huge mistake.

  15. also its looking like with the red outfit that bridges plays a bad guy and replaces sark wich is a huge mistake and makes no sense and we spend 89% of the movie looking for a way to cure bridges with bridges out of view.dropping carlos's score is a huge mistake.

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