mobilesynth (App Store link) is an open source classic monophonic synthesizer for the iPhone, designed for live performance.
Developers are encouraged to visit the project website and contribute.
If you’ve used mobilesynth, leave a comment with your thoughts!
- Monophonic, playing one note at a time like a class synthesizer
- Oscillator Module
- Dual oscillators
- Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, Reverse Sawtooth waves
- Octave selector, supporting 5 octaves
- Glide between notes (Lag Processor)
- Oscillator fine tune (more than one full octave)
- Oscillator sync
- Low Pass Filter Module
- Modulation module
- Tremelo/Wave
- Vibrato/Pitch
- Filter
- Envelope Generator module
- Supports ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)
- Volume
- Filter (amount of low pass filter)
Fun synth, great way to play with classic wave forms and see what kind of sounds you can create. And for free? How can you beat that?