This video explores creating a Jarre-style “laser harp” sound using a Korg MicroKorg.
via cmatsuoka:
This is my first attempt at creating a program for the microkorg, so I picked up a sound that is easily recognizable. This is certainly not the best Synthex “laser harp” sound recreation around, but it should provide a good start for tweaks and improvements.
The idea should work with any two-oscillator analog or analog-modeled synthesizer with oscillator sync, filtering and some kind of pitch envelope for the sync sweep.
Actual values used in each parameter are shown in parentheses.
Thats pretty sweet man 😉
Hola ! Recuerdo haberlo visto y me gusto mucho ..Por favor vuelve a publicar el video para poder verlo. Gracias
Wherethe complète patch for laser harp
Ou Microkorg is reboot help me