Sequentix P3 Sequencer Demo

This synth jam demonstrates the Sequentix P3 sequencer.

The P3 Sequencer is an 8 track, hardware MIDI sequencer, with a user interface comprised of knobs, keys and LEDs. A sixteen character by two line PLED display provides confirmation of pattern data and access to advanced features and configuration options.

P3 allows real-time control of track mutes and simple pattern or pattern chain selection across multiple tracks, plus analogue-style editing of patterns. Each of its 384 patterns has independent values for note, velocity, tie, gate, length, gate delay, and a combination of up to four MIDI controllers, extra notes, or ‘auxiliary events’, per step.

via WilyEPeyote:

For those who wanted a closer look at the P3. Unfortunately the screen is rather bright so to show it properly I’d need a close-up just of that. Still, didn’t do a lot of editing here – future vids will try and show a few tricks and tips once I get the filming sorted. P3 tracks 1-4 control the Korg RadiasP3 tracks 5-6 control the sample parts of the Korg ESX1P3 tracks 7-8 control the Access Virus CAll noodles are works in progress of course – would usually be performed in a band context and usually take longer… :)Oh, an ad for latest CD could be a good thing: bye,Paul

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