This vintage video, with Jay Levy, is the introduction to a series of videos that show you how to play your Casio keyboard!
Best quote: “That bass player really knows how to lay down a groove down! That’s really a big hot smokin’ band we’re listening to!”
via teenageengineering, via Axehole
Wow this is a good one.
Not sure if we should be happy or sad that it ends when it does!
What the hell happened to that guy’s sweater? That’s priceless.
I have a new Casio CT200 with Owners Manual written in 3 languages, none of which I understand. I play the piano by ear and do not read music. I want a book or CD to help me with all the stuff that this instrument has to offer. Music stores who sell keyboards staff, only know about guitars. Piano teachers only know about teaching how to read music. I am 71 and don't to want to start now. Can abyone help me. I have enough propbems with this computer which instructs me in order to turn it OFF Press START> Tony Estus