Pelican Case MOD – Live Setup
This video demos a custom live electronic music rig designed to need minimal floor space and a single power outlet.
via autoflavour:
The setup consists of a modified pelican case that enables the rack mounting of equipment. This means I can be setup and ready to play in under 4 minutes. Hardware includes Virus Snow, Virus C, M-Audio Audiophile, Numark CM200USB 5 Channel Mixer, Novation SL25 Compact, iPod + TouchOSC.
The custom patch bay includes XLR Lamp XLR & RCA OUT, RCA IN to Channel 5 fader, RCA IN to input on Virus C, RCA IN to line in on m-audio.
I decided to use the M-Audio Audiophile as the primary sound device over the the inbuilt USB audio in the Numark CM200USB. The reasoning for this was purely down recording latency and routing configurations.
I do however have the CM200USB and the M-Audio set up as a aggregate device in OSX, enabling me to speak to both devices from Ableton.
The TouchOSC patch is a custom one built using the beta TouchOSC editor.
A quick explanation of the Audio routing page in the TouchOSC template.
This page was created only yesterday as a way to easily route audio to the Atomizer on the fly. I simply created 2 Sends channels and routed all Audio to SENDS ONLY in Ableton. Then assigned the individual SENDS dials to each button, effectively creating on off switched. This enables me to easily select the output I would like a track to take.Not shown in this video, Controlling the Virus C.
Basically I have split the Novation into 2 zones. The first zone (1 Octave) controls the Atomizer via direct MIDI cable between the devices, where as the second zone (rest of the octaves) are routed to the USB cable which is then passed through Ableton to the Virus C via the M-Audio. To switch between keyboard control of either device, I simply shift octaves.For those interested, the case weighs approx 16kg and due to the bolts in the sides, it is no longer water proof, however the rubber washers do protect it from most water (It is just not submersible anymore)
I love my pelicase. I've got a Novation Xiosynth and a laptop crammed in to mine. I must say, mine is a lot harder to set up, but I didn't want to give up waterproofing.
PS- Just got into this site, haven't seen a post I haven't liked.
sick stuff mate.
Virus FTW. Live FTW. Novation FTW.
You should replace your Numark by a custom mixer/controller