The Dave Smith Instruments #Tetr4 Synthesizer


It’s the weekend, so it’s time for a bit of Saturday Synth Porn, right?

This is a bit of unofficial, underground synth goodness, the first shot of Dave Smith Instruments’ #Tetr4 synthesizer.

There’s no announcement for the #Tetr4 at the DSI site yet, so we can’t vouch for the accuracy for this info, but the #Tetr4 is rumored to be like a 4-voice Mopho, and to be priced at $800.

Hot or Not? Leave a comment with your thoughts!

via Oliver Chesler,, Keyboard Editor

8 thoughts on “The Dave Smith Instruments #Tetr4 Synthesizer

  1. No, if this is real, it’s not hot at all…i think most of the people wait for a keyboard version of Mopho with more knobs…

  2. judging by the way it was removed from Matrixsynth (VERY quickly) I'd say it's true. were it a fake, Matrix would've just added a clarification, but that looked like he was asked to remove the shot.

  3. A four voice Mopho would be great. I have the Evolver Desktop and the Evolver Mono Keyboard (and I once had the Evo Rack). The Keyboard stays at the studio while the more portable Desktop comes with me on gigs, so I have no need for a one voice Mopho. But four voices, yes indeed.

    I just wonder if it will have multitimbral functionality, and if it does will the poor implementation of the Poly Evolvers’ get resolved.

  4. A four voice Mopho would be great. I have the Evolver Desktop and the Evolver Mono Keyboard (and I once had the Evo Rack). The Keyboard stays at the studio while the more portable Desktop comes with me on gigs, so I have no need for a one voice Mopho. But four voices, yes indeed.

    I just wonder if it will have multitimbral functionality, and if it does will the poor implementation of the Poly Evolvers' get resolved.

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