iPhone Psychedelia With Zio

This is the latest sneak preview for Glenn Marshall‘s Zio – an interactive generative psychedelic visualizer:

Presently you can change most of the branching and shading and can easily navigate with dragging/pinch zoom and rotate.  You can pause the animation at any time and still interact/move around, and also save pictures to your photo library.

The interface is just a temporary one at the minute for testing, it will be redesigned and probably have twice as much features seen in the demo – including particle motion and trails and the ability to tweak the underlying math and algorithms.

This demo is a screen cap of the iPhone simulator – at times the frame-rate is jerky – but actually runs okay on the real device! (don’t know why that should be).

Zio is still in developement and Marshall is looking into various options for letting the iPhone access audio, so that the visuals may be able to react to music.

If Marshall can get this right, though, Zio could be one of the coolest apps yet for the iPhone.

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