21 thoughts on “The New Korg SV-1 Stage Vintage Piano

  1. This is a ultra cool keyboard that sound and looks great. I must abmit I am a big Korg fan as I gig with a Karma and have a Trinity and a 05R/w and a Kaossilator in my home studio. I think I maybe saving up for one of these. Hopefuly by then the price will have dropped.

  2. I tried one of these in a music shop the other day and a-b tested it next to the electro. Both are very good but I must say the feel of the Korgs keys are fantastic. Far better than other keyboards on the market. I Have worked in music retail for over 20 years selling and playing all major brands inc Yamaha's and Roland. The new SV1 is well worth checking out if you are looking for a superb stage piano. Personally I think it's at the top of the pile.

  3. I tried one of these in a music shop the other day and a-b tested it next to the electro. Both are very good but I must say the feel of the Korgs keys are fantastic. Far better than other keyboards on the market. I Have worked in music retail for over 20 years selling and playing all major brands inc Yamaha's and Roland. The new SV1 is well worth checking out if you are looking for a superb stage piano. Personally I think it's at the top of the pile.

  4. I tried one of these in a music shop the other day and a-b tested it next to the electro. Both are very good but I must say the feel of the Korgs keys are fantastic. Far better than other keyboards on the market. I Have worked in music retail for over 20 years selling and playing all major brands inc Yamaha's and Roland. The new SV1 is well worth checking out if you are looking for a superb stage piano. Personally I think it's at the top of the pile.

  5. For one year I owned a Nord Electro 2 with 73 keys.. I bought for the amazing Rhodessound.
    After while I missed the hammeraction too bad. I already used a Hammond XK2 with Leslie 860 so the organ part I skipped.
    Now with this great hammeraction on 88 keys Im totally satisfied. Great grandpianosound !
    Amazing Rhodes, real Wurlitzer and evena Hohner Pianet too ! Together with all the functions on the knobs : it's my dream come out. Thank you Korg !! The Nord is traded in….

  6. For one year I owned a Nord Electro 2 with 73 keys.. I bought for the amazing Rhodessound.
    After while I missed the hammeraction too bad. I already used a Hammond XK2 with Leslie 860 so the organ part I skipped.
    Now with this great hammeraction on 88 keys Im totally satisfied. Great grandpianosound !
    Amazing Rhodes, real Wurlitzer and evena Hohner Pianet too ! Together with all the functions on the knobs : it's my dream come out. Thank you Korg !! The Nord is traded in….

  7. Kool design, but the organs suck – especially the so-called rotor (leslie) effect. Overpriced and would be better as simply having acoustic pianos, elec pianos and clav patches. The effects are very good. The keyboard action on the one that I purchased and returned was slow and inconsistent up and down the keyboard. Some keys felt like I was hitting metal. If Korg is going to have organs that attempt to sound like a Hammond and a Vox Continental, then have some drawbars and get a much better leslie effect, otherwise, loose the organs. Absolutely no comparison to the sounds in my Nord Electro 3 73key. Better luck next time Korg!

  8. I don't know why manufacturers keep including piano and organ sounds in the same instrument. The differences between the two types of keyboards is vast. Its damn near impossible to play like an organist on a piano-style weighted keyboard. The same goes for playing piano sounds on a non-weighted organ keyboard.

    I wish both Nord and Korg would each make a less-expensive, piano-only emulator with weighted keys. Dump the organ sections (each of them already make a great organ simulator) and this way they can lower the price for it.

    Having said that, the SV-1 is a GREAT unit, and for my money better than the nord electro primarily for the piano samples, the easy-to-use effects. and the keyboard action.

  9. I don't know why manufacturers keep including piano and organ sounds in the same instrument. The differences between the two types of keyboards is vast. Its damn near impossible to play like an organist on a piano-style weighted keyboard. The same goes for playing piano sounds on a non-weighted organ keyboard.

    I wish both Nord and Korg would each make a less-expensive, piano-only emulator with weighted keys. Dump the organ sections (each of them already make a great organ simulator) and this way they can lower the price for it.

    Having said that, the SV-1 is a GREAT unit, and for my money better than the nord electro primarily for the piano samples, the easy-to-use effects. and the keyboard action.

  10. Korg and Nord are on par. Please stop if with the X is far more superior than Y and all that….

    Let be fair here and consider the fact that they are both good units for what they are.

    If you are a piano player, then you want the SV-1, it has weighted keys and awesome piano sounds. The Rhodes, clavi's are awesome too.

    If you are an organ player, then go for Nord, they keys are unweighted and the organ sounds are better.

    I am a piano myself, and I love the sounds of the Korg. The tube amp is a nice addition and I like that it can connect 3 pedals for piano and other things (wah's, etc…). Plus the vintage look convinced me.

    If you play both piano and organ. get both!

  11. No. If you're an organ player, then you play THE ORGAN. No sub for that I'm afraid. Nord or any keybd organs BLOW anyways.
    SV1 piano was a pleasure, the key feel is fantastic.

    The wurli/rhodes was pretty much like many others out there though…but I like the onboard direct dial tweaking (no menus).

  12. Finally played with a band on the SV1 73. Sounded great and easy to use. Perfect for live performing on the fly. The Instrument can cut through the mix or lay back very easily. I'm a piano player so the organs are a treat. Clav with Wah is nice. Strings are excellent with a responsive attack. Pianos are great. Effects are cool adjusting in real time. I bought the 73 instead on the 88 because of weight. 73 is 38 lbs and road case is 12, even 50 lbs up a flight of stairs can be a challenge. I really wish it had recessed end caps for your hands to have some place to hold the instrument. Difficult to handle. Also, sliding your finders down the keyboard can be dangerous since the plastic edges of the keys are sharp. I found the SV1 doesn't like the cold so keep it warm. Some of the keys didn't work until it warmed up. It's pricey, but works well for my needs. The editor is good and I'm sure more sounds will be coming. Hope this helps.

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