Matthew Davidson has released this video recently of feignroom:
The recent Imogen Heap on David Letterman video got me thinking about performing an a capella piece in conjunction with a monome. The goal was to use just the monome and a microphone. No other gear or touching a computer is allowed. Also, no sequencers running backing tracks. This is somewhat of a challenge.
I’m using a combination of diatonic harmonizing, phrase building, live vocals, sampled phrase triggering (vocals I recorded for this performance) and sort of layer this whole thing in real time through the monome.
Now you can download feignroom now from Davidson’s blog, The Stretta Procecure.
nicely done. makes me want to do a more minimal lowercase kinda track
Dastardly! Mr.Davidson has used another special machine to scale Imi into miniImi and hidden the heap in the box!!
You can definitely see the ee cummings influence on post-IDM monome abstronica song titles