Free E-MU Synthesizer, For Windows Users Only :(

ProteusVXFree Music Software: alert: E-Mu is giving away the free Proteus VX for Windows, along with the v2 Proteus X Composer Bank:

As we release and launch E-MU’s next generation Emulator X3 Streaming Sampling Synthesizer software, E-MU celebrates and is pleased to announce that we will be providing the full version of our Proteus VX Software Sound Module software which includes the enhanced v2.0.1 Proteus X Composer Bank. (a special E-MU tweaked version of the Composer bank) that can be used in all versions of our Proteus X or Emulator X software.

Proteus VX is not copy protected or card locked like other versions of our instrument and sampling software, and can be used either as a VSTi or in stand alone mode.

Note: It’s a free download, but you have to subscribe to the E-Mu newsletter.

7 thoughts on “Free E-MU Synthesizer, For Windows Users Only :(

  1. installer doesnt work.. atleast on another drive another then C:.. appears it has c: hard coded in the dialog not sure if it's just totally wacked.

  2. Does anyone know how to identify the note names for all the drum kits in Proteus VX? I’m using Sonar 6.2 PE and attempting to develop a .ins file.


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