Here’s a video preview of the upcoming Jasuto Pro, a modular synth for the iPhone. There are four parts to the video, because Jasuto Pro is adding a lot of new features:
- nearly alias free analog oscillators
- pulse width control on the square oscillator
- all the filters have been rewritten and have been fattened up quite a bit
- several waveshapers
- ADSR envelope editor
- note on/off for sustained notes
- multipage/octave sequencer
- you can now draw notes/modulation in the sequencer
- recording into the sequencer via the midi keys
- sample recording/resampling
- full featured sampler
- new scene/sample browsing with support for uploading to the website
- a FTP sever has replaced the HTTP server for easier file access
- 6 stage analog phaser
- granular synthesis
- manual wiring and per wire control
- number editor with beat/pitch calculator
- compiling groups of nodes into a single script node
- user definable scripting, allows you to do DSP work as well as full access to the gfx/scene engine
- send/receive nodes have replaced the old linking method
- a nodes motion can now be modified via the accelerometer
- the mic input is now in stereo
- heavily optimized, nearly 4x improvement over the current version on an iPhone 3G
- no more audio pops unless you really are running out of CPU
- VU/CPU metering
Jasuto Pro is expected to be available in mid to late December 2009.