It’s Christmas Day, and whether you celebrate Christmas, the Winter Solistice, Yule, Hanukkah, Inti Raymi, Pastafarian Holiday, Saturnalia, Festivus, Boxing Day, Life Day, Agnostica or Decemberween – I hope you have a fantastic day.
And that you get some awesome music gear booty.
I’ve got a new addition for the Synthtopia Electronic Music Laboratory – a Bliptronic 5000. I’m looking forward to trying it out with a delay pedal.
Did you get something awesome, too? Leave a comment and let us know!
I got some OPA4137 Op Amps for my YuSynth Frequency Standards module…
I bought myself a Virus Ti Snow. I have had the full size keyboard since it first came out, i'm ready to downsize. Happy Holidays Everybody!!
I bought myself a Virus Ti Snow. I have had the full size keyboard since it first came out, i'm ready to downsize. Happy Holidays Everybody!!
Technically, Christmas here (in Russia) will only be on Jan., 7th, but I already ordered and received my gift in advance, And it's a Bliptronic5000 too!
Already made some awesome (well, for me:)) sounds playing it through a bass synth pedal.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Technically, Christmas here (in Russia) will only be on Jan., 7th, but I already ordered and received my gift in advance, And it's a Bliptronic5000 too!
Already made some awesome (well, for me:)) sounds playing it through a bass synth pedal.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
How appropriate to get a TI snow on a white christmas ;p
I have one and they're awesome! In fact, I'm going to switch it on right now to hear that smooth, rich sound =D
My own Christmas is what I plan on doing upstairs over the next few days. Musically, that is. In a corner of the room, I've set up a Moog Voyager next to a Schlagzwerg semi-modular drum machine and a Mono Evolver. Monophonic analogue noise-fest!! And, just in case harmonised oscillators don't give me enough grunge-Mantovani, I dug out an old Ensoniq SQ80 for some polyphonic aftertouch lusciousness…
How appropriate to get a TI snow on a white christmas ;p
I have one and they're awesome! In fact, I'm going to switch it on right now to hear that smooth, rich sound =D
My own Christmas is what I plan on doing upstairs over the next few days. Musically, that is. In a corner of the room, I've set up a Moog Voyager next to a Schlagzwerg semi-modular drum machine and a Mono Evolver. Monophonic analogue noise-fest!! And, just in case harmonised oscillators don't give me enough grunge-Mantovani, I dug out an old Ensoniq SQ80 for some polyphonic aftertouch lusciousness…
Bliptronic here, also!
It's enough fun that I want to get a second one, so I can make 16-beat phrases. I'm going to have to try the bass synth trick, though, because you can't switch octaves on the thing.
If they added an octave switch on this thing and MIDI out, it would be a monster!
Bliptronic here, also!
It's enough fun that I want to get a second one, so I can make 16-beat phrases. I'm going to have to try the bass synth trick, though, because you can't switch octaves on the thing.
If they added an octave switch on this thing and MIDI out, it would be a monster!
Nice! Sounds like you've been good this year!
Nice! Sounds like you've been good this year!
I finally had a chance to fool around with mine. Running it through a delay line is very nice.
Bad Santa!
didnt get it today but with the money i have maybe ill have to get a nord modular
Pioneer Headphones, Sustain Pedal and Novation Xiosynth 49!
Terrifically fun!
I found some old dude selling a JD800 for $200 in my small town paper. He had no idea what it was. His quote on the phone "its big. It lights up. What do you use it for?"
Merry xmass to me!! If only I had space for this thing.
Virus TI polar! Now my modular has a polyphonic friend!
bad dick on ebay who just got me at the end of the auction more like
– Tenori-On stand and case
– Cool synth swag t-shirts
– Used some holiday cash to buy Image-Line Harmless & u-he ACE
Thanks for posting links to Harmless presets. The synth has exceeded my expectations. I'm also secretly working on some ACE presets. Don't tell anyone ;^).
I bought myself a Novation Launchpad and got my son a G3 iBook then threw OS 9 on it so he can "Learn the 'puter".
I bought myself a Novation Launchpad and got my son a G3 iBook then threw OS 9 on it so he can "Learn the 'puter".
I ordrered a DSI mono evolver keyboard. Will get it mid-januari. Happy time!
Oooh, nice find!
There are still crazy deals like that to be found, but you have to really watch for them.
– Tenori-On stand and case
– Cool synth swag t-shirts
– Used some holiday cash to buy Image-Line Harmless & u-he ACE
Thanks for posting links to Harmless presets. The synth has exceeded my expectations. I'm also secretly working on some ACE presets. Don't tell anyone ;^).
– Tenori-On stand and case
– Cool synth swag t-shirts
– Used some holiday cash to buy Image-Line Harmless & u-he ACE
Thanks for posting links to Harmless presets. The synth has exceeded my expectations. I'm also secretly working on some ACE presets. Don't tell anyone ;^).
Asked for nothing but some Bliptronics from my family for my Birthday (today) and Christmas. Was hoping to get more than one to link up, but my family and girlfriend got me a huge HD tv and Blu-Ray player. I was like, "Awesome" but inside was like, "All I wanted was at least two Bliptronics, so I can get 16 beats…"
It's okay though, I'm going to run it through my MicroSampler and Mini-KP. Fun times…
Asked for nothing but some Bliptronics from my family for my Birthday (today) and Christmas. Was hoping to get more than one to link up, but my family and girlfriend got me a huge HD tv and Blu-Ray player. I was like, "Awesome" but inside was like, "All I wanted was at least two Bliptronics, so I can get 16 beats…"
It's okay though, I'm going to run it through my MicroSampler and Mini-KP. Fun times…
I got a copy of the Otona no Kagaku Magazine Vol. 17 with the mini-Theremin kit in it. Very cool! Check out the details here:…
I got a copy of the Otona no Kagaku Magazine Vol. 17 with the mini-Theremin kit in it. Very cool! Check out the details here:…
Oooh, Theremin kit – nice. Thnks for the link to Tenori-off by the way. I didn't know about this site.
Oooh, Theremin kit – nice. Thnks for the link to Tenori-off by the way. I didn't know about this site.
Electribe ESX-1 and bought myself a set of HR842 Mackie Monitors (Series 1)! Best Non-denominational Winter Solstice ever!
The ES-1 is a great little machine, so I'm sure the ESX-1 is even nicer.
The ES-1 is a great little machine, so I'm sure the ESX-1 is even nicer.
Well, I actually didn't got anything for Christmas myself but sometime before it, and blamed it all on poor Santa
It basically marks my start with this wonderful hobby; aimed for a Synth and decided to go soft. So ended up with the APC40, Ableton Suite 8 (upgraded) and Max for Live, all of which to help enhance my (midi) keyboard experience.
That will keep me happy for quite some time to come
Well, I actually didn't got anything for Christmas myself but sometime before it, and blamed it all on poor Santa
It basically marks my start with this wonderful hobby; aimed for a Synth and decided to go soft. So ended up with the APC40, Ableton Suite 8 (upgraded) and Max for Live, all of which to help enhance my (midi) keyboard experience.
That will keep me happy for quite some time to come
Ouch. Worse than Bad Santa!