It’s the return of brain music!
Are you ready to DJ with mind bullets? Based on this video, telepathic DJing might not be too far off.
This video, via 0illuminatedsounds0, is a basic demonstration of using the Emotiv Epoch – a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset – to control Ableton Live.
The Emotiv Epoch comes with a software application call Epoch Control Panel. In the Control Panel there is a tool call Cognitiv Suite, which is what is being used in this demo to control Live:
In Cognitiv Suite you move a floating box around on the screen using thought. You can then can assign these different “thought actions” to keyboard commands. Next I assigned these commands to start and stop an audio clip in Ableton Live.
Here is a video of my buddy Jay using the Epoch for the first time. In this video when he pushes the box with his mind he triggers a drum loop to play and when he lifts the box it stops playback of the clip.
you can control ableton over a network fools…. the guys who made this video are taking advantage of that to shovel their crap.
True, this could very well be a fake, but basic brain wave scans are fairly easy to do, and though it is supposed to take A LOT of practice to be able to control your brainwaves, the technology has been demonstrated to be effective, albeit rough at the moment.
Really controlling your computer with your mind is too far off to consider at the moment, but for us experimental folk, this is something cool to play with.