Fonitronic demos his Voltage Controlled Pattern Sequencer VCPS:
it basically is a 4017 based step sequencer providing CV out, Trigger out, and Gate out. the tricky part is the voltage control of the possible patterns: an incoming CV gets manually scaled to 0-5V (LEDs will help to do that), and then gets processed by a 8-bit ADC. the parallel out gets converted to grey code and switches the steps/stages of the sequencer on or off. they can be controlled manually too, by using the toggle switches that overwrite the ADC data…
via fonitronik:
The 1st short demo of my new VCP Sequencer. VCP = Voltage Controlled Pattern. Yep, an incoming control voltage gets converted into a set of 8bit grey code. those bits switch on or off hte stages of an 8 step sequencer. however, each step/stage can manually set to ON, OFF or VCP too. So you have full control over each step all the time.
In this Video the VCPS gets controlled by another Sequencer, the Baby10.