2010 Winter NAMM Show sneak preview: Access has released a teaser audio demo of their to-be-released update to the Virus TI operating system:
This is a audio preview of a future Virus TI operating system. All patches were specifically designed to illustrate new features to be announced on the NAMM show 2010. We only used single sounds and no additional effects.
Visit us on the NAMM show Hall A #6900.
Give it a listen and let me know what you think!
Expensive and seriously bad ass.
Damn i'm curious to see whats new in the Virus Control !
Alex & Fiss – whatever they've done, it sounds good!
Damn i'm curious to see whats new in the Virus Control !
Damn i'm curious to see whats new in the Virus Control !
Alex & Fiss – whatever they've done, it sounds good!
Alex & Fiss – whatever they've done, it sounds good!
My TI snow is the only bit of kit I never get bored of using. I get lost sometimes but in a good way.
The free updates are always fun as well.
Not cheap but you do get what you pay for.
Access gets an all pass from me
Not slamming Access in ANY way, but after all the trouble with the TI mk II line I am very hopeful that this preview is a true picture of what we can expect with the new OS VERY VERY excited to fall in love with my TI 2 Keyboard all over again