First iPad Music App Screenshot


White Noise Software posted this sneak preview of Bleep!Box for the iPad.

Feature List:

  • 10 Synth / Drum parts (aka voices)
  • 50+ Parameters
    FM, Ringmod, Sync, PhaseMod, Distortion
  • Global delay FX
  • Live performance modes
  • Step sequencing + recording modes
  • Parameter automation
  • Realtime processing – NO SAMPLES

This is the first of what’s likely to be an explosion of iPad Music Software.

6 thoughts on “First iPad Music App Screenshot

  1. Wow, awesome. I've got this app for my iPhone 3GS and all I can say is seeing this screenshot of the iPad version just makes me REALLY want an iPad even that much more. Cuz I know that if this looks this good with this particular app then ALL my badass apps for my iPhone are going to be so great on the iPad.

    Using something like Pro on the iPad just seems like it would be downright fun. Saving my dunkets now lol… 🙂

  2. Wow, awesome. I've got this app for my iPhone 3GS and all I can say is seeing this screenshot of the iPad version just makes me REALLY want an iPad even that much more. Cuz I know that if this looks this good with this particular app then ALL my badass apps for my iPhone are going to be so great on the iPad.

    Using something like Pro on the iPad just seems like it would be downright fun. Saving my dunkets now lol… 🙂

  3. OK now this is awesome. When iPad was first announced I was all about the "wha?" and the feminine hygiene jokes. But it's been slowly growing on me, and this screen shot drives it home. This thing can be a great portable music device. Daddy like.

  4. OK now this is awesome. When iPad was first announced I was all about the "wha?" and the feminine hygiene jokes. But it's been slowly growing on me, and this screen shot drives it home. This thing can be a great portable music device. Daddy like.

  5. OK now this is awesome. When iPad was first announced I was all about the "wha?" and the feminine hygiene jokes. But it's been slowly growing on me, and this screen shot drives it home. This thing can be a great portable music device. Daddy like.

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