Saturday Synh Porn: Vintage shot of a Digisound modular synthesizer.
The Digisound 80 Modular Synthesizer was an English DIY modular synthesizer. Many of the early modules appeared as construction articles in two British electronics magazines – Electronics Today International and Electronics & Music Maker.
via Dr Nerdware:
In my old studio. Please note the stand-alone reverb module and its equally naked power supply. Very dangerous! Please don’t do it like this!
The grey metal box on top is the power amp module, which also has its own PSU, but safely inside the box.
via the Synthtopia Flickr Group
Dear Dr. Nerdware –
I was fascinated to see your photo of your DIGISOUND MODULAR SYNTHESIZER !!! I've only just got my iMac but built my own DIGISOUND modules following the designs in Electronics Today International back in the early 1980's. When my brother shows how to get my scanner working I can send you some photo's. I added a 'top cabinet' (an old TV cabinet) that housed a second VCO, Waveform Multiplier, State Variable Filter, Spring Line Reverberation Unit, Mixer and Oscilloscope to monitor those vital waveforms ! I carted the DIGISOUND around university in various rock bands, and used to use a ZX-SPECTRUM (remember them ?) as a sequencer. Fed through my Phaser the square-waves from the ZX-SPECRUM sounded great fed through a decent PA. I've just returned from the "HIGH VOLTAGE" rock festival in London where I witnessed Keith Emerson's MOOG III System close-up. Judging by the delays and problems it seems he had the same difficulties I used to have on-stage … but NOTHING beats the sight or sound of a true vintage modular. My DIGISOUND has fallen on hard times, but I am seriously thinking of getting it working again for nostalgia's sake. Great to see your photo !!! All the best … – ian.
I've got a Digisound 80 that I built in the 80s and am thinking of selling it.
Hi Adey. Saw your comment about your Digisound 80 and am interested ! Could you tell me which modules you have and how much you are thinking of selling it for ?
– Ian C
Hi adey, I've got a Digisound with 28 modules, but more would be fun…I'll mail ya. Dave
I have build 4-voices digisound.
Had asked Charles Blakey for design a schematic for voltage control reverb.
He sent me a design and I have only change one resistor in value for great working.
A small pc-board at the top of the reverb-print was enough.
Always he was help me with advice in electronic.
I’m dutch and learn (electronic)english by myself and I’m a Mr. house painter when I was 20 years.
Now I have a 2e degree off teacher and had teaching technical (industrial) painting, drawing and more on a middle technical school. But people around me want not accept my science interrestings!!