The Definitive Roland TB-303 vs x0xb0x Bassline Synthesizer Shootout

This is a slightly obsessive shootout between the classic Roland TB-303 Computer Controlled Bassline Synthesizer and the Adafruit x0xb0x synthesizer.

For some, the x0xb0x is cheaper, more reliable and more powerful. For others, the x0xb0x is close but not close enough to replace the TB-303.

Would it matter in a mix?

Give the shoutout a listen and leave a comment with your thoughts!

via phono1337:

I hope you have your flame resistant suits on because here we have it, the definitive Roland TB-303 vs Adafruit x0xb0x shootout.

more info at

15 thoughts on “The Definitive Roland TB-303 vs x0xb0x Bassline Synthesizer Shootout

  1. Thanks…that was great.

    I think there is a small but very noticeable difference between the two.

    The 303 sounded more "real" to me and after listening really hard I've put my finger on it.

    The 303 has a subtle variation in dynamics and/or timbre (probably due to it analog nature) even when playing the same note in succession. This makes its sound more alive.

    When the xoxbox triggered a series of the same note it sounded static, like a sampler trigger.

  2. Thanks…that was great.

    I think there is a small but very noticeable difference between the two.

    The 303 sounded more "real" to me and after listening really hard I've put my finger on it.

    The 303 has a subtle variation in dynamics and/or timbre (probably due to it analog nature) even when playing the same note in succession. This makes its sound more alive.

    When the xoxbox triggered a series of the same note it sounded static, like a sampler trigger.

  3. They are both analog.

    For me the biggest different was in the filter, as the guy in the video suggested. Either the 303 generates more harmonics or it has a different resonance characteristic, or both.

  4. You might be able to get them to sound the same at different cutoff/resonance knob positions. Some of the patterns did sound identical. However, I think the xoxbox does have a harder accent or different envelope. The 303 was chirpier & smoother in resonance, at least in his demo. Whether its slight differences in knobs or whatever, there is not too much to worry about if your a xoxbox owner. Both are awesome.

  5. I have just bought an xoxbox, my names brandon spivey I have made lots of acid records with a tb 303. The xoxbox , is ten times better than my 303 was via a kenton midi to cv. The slides great , the accent is mindblowing.
    The 303 is hardly worth the trouble now over inflated prices by people who fetishise them. Xoxbox really do the business. I have used 303s for over 17 years. I am now looking to buy another xoxboxone. Check out agro, wah wah , killout records on you tube. Anyone who wants any more info on xoxbox from a working perspective rather than train spotters one. Feel free to Email .

  6. great demonstration.
    the only notable differences I heard was that the x0xb0x had slightly lower pitch on the resonance and that it's slide was a bit different, otherwise they were very close, probably close enough that you couldn't hear which one is which if they were used in a song.

  7. great demonstration.
    the only notable differences I heard was that the x0xb0x had slightly lower pitch on the resonance and that it's slide was a bit different, otherwise they were very close, probably close enough that you couldn't hear which one is which if they were used in a song.

  8. hi i would just like to say over the years of owning duplicates of dozens of analog synths
    jupiters tbs junos moogs ect ect ect.
    never have two synths sounded exactly the same.
    i mean they just dont .
    theres to many variables.
    i dont know but i kind of think theres a huge ammount of people fooling themselves into thinking that tb303s were used dry on most of the classic acid tracks.
    i mean hello delays distortions and verbs all helped the tb to sound great.
    the xoxbox is as cool as a tb303.
    anything about the two that is different is not better nor worse just different.

  9. A “Casual Shootout” would be the more apt title. The X0XbOx’s filter is tuned lower than the 303’s in the video. He could have thought to use a tuner to get it right, but since he obviously didn’t hear it he figured the difference wasn’t even there; which is why good science uses reference tones in testing. Human senses are fickle – just eyeballing the setting is not going to cut it in a ‘definitive comparison’.

  10. Boy would i be pissed if i dropped 800 dollars for that semi- resonant piece of shit. Its better to buy the 303. You haer its potential which excites yuo. You hear x0xb0x’s limitations and it stifles you. Are you all deaf? Thers a difference… this isnt food

  11. Was the x0x built with the roland transistors? I have built 3 now and 2 used NOS roland chips and one used the somewhat easier to find replacement. The difference is noticeable. Also some tuning can be done during build to get it dead-on if you have a reference 303.

    Find one with the BCBox mod for a full on devilfish with full programability,

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