Buy Vince Clarke’s Awesome House So He Can Move Out – For Good


Once upon a time, Vince Clarke just could not get enough of this place.

With good reason, too. Here’s the official description:

A truly exceptional and innovative new home situated in secluded wooded grounds of approximately 5.6 acres. Three bedrooms (all bedrooms en-suite) first floor balcony, entrance hall, sitting room with games area, open plan dining room, kitchen/dining room with breakfast area off overlooking the pool, utility room, large store room, lower ground floor with indoor swimming pool, electrics cupboard, large basement storage, access to double garage.
And then there’s Clarke’s home studio:


But times change.

Clarke decided he couldn’t walk away from love, so he moved to Maine, got married and started a new life.

If you’ve got 1,995,000 GBP, you can benefit from Clarke’s situation.


See the listing at

via APC

36 thoughts on “Buy Vince Clarke’s Awesome House So He Can Move Out – For Good

  1. Is this "home studio" included in the price, with all the equipment, or do i have to pay extra for it? I refuse to pay 1,995,000 GBP without a single synth included in the price!

  2. I worked that out in under a second flat 😉 Checking out his link on facebook.

    Nice digs, do not think he has the retro gear any more Mr VeryRichMusician

  3. Well, I haven't started a shitload of successful bands, or had several hit records, I don't have £2m and my house and studio are much more modest affairs. However, I DO have a BBC Master microcomputer just like the one on the left hand side of the studio picture, so I'm perfectly content.

  4. Well, I haven't started a shitload of successful bands, or had several hit records, I don't have £2m and my house and studio are much more modest affairs. However, I DO have a BBC Master microcomputer just like the one on the left hand side of the studio picture, so I'm perfectly content.

  5. vince clarke, do me a favour, your avin a laugh int yer,im a who nut it used to be moonies pad from 71to74. then in 1990 clarky demolished and destroyed a large slice rock history. gay fucker

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