Free Music Software: Oli Larkin has updated Autotalent – a free auto tune plugin for Mac & Windows.
This is a VST/AU port of Tom Baran’s open source pitch correction LADSPA plug-in.
At the moment it is designed to be used on a mono track, if used on a stereo track, the left channel will be copied to the right.
Download via Larkin’s free plugins page.
If you’ve given Autotalent a try, leave a comment with your thoughts!
Glad to hear this work being done — and if Oli teams up with a GUI mastermind for usability and "cool" sake (which is what Auto-Tune has largely succeeded on by turning something tres geeky into mass acceptance), we may have something super-special.
Please, No More Autotune!!
how do u get the plug in to work? :S
Yo really? Everybody be doin diz shiit rite hurr fo no rezon! if dem artist be needin diz den dey GOT NO TALENT! damm really thou… dat be fake rite der. t pain b doin it on purpose thou, everybody else juss some fake azz biitches
I’d try to correct all of you grammar mistakes, But I have more important things to do. I want to download this to screw around with my voice, does that make me fake? Also the fake one here is you with that “swag” typing you’ve got there. Anyway just don’t screw up my order when I go to Mcdonalds.
i hate ignorant people that type like jazzy. ps. jazzy is a scooter like the hover round that old people use to get around when they cant walk anymore.
English is your friend
How do I know this isn't a virus?
You think my voice sounded hot before?
are you a fucking retard learn how to talk
bet ur not emma
I like to play with it. It brings a lot of joy. Here is a video how to buil Autotalent in Ubuntu… . Hope, you'll enjoy it as well.
I like to play with it. It brings a lot of joy. Here is a video how to buil Autotalent in Ubuntu… . Hope, you'll enjoy it as well.
I like to play with it. It brings a lot of joy. Here is a video how to buil Autotalent in Ubuntu… . Hope, you'll enjoy it as well.
I like to play with it. It brings a lot of joy. Here is a video how to buil Autotalent in Ubuntu… . Hope, you'll enjoy it as well.
I like to play with it. It brings a lot of joy. Here is a video how to buil Autotalent in Ubuntu… . Hope, you'll enjoy it as well.
since when is it ok to type like a dumb ass
if ur callin people that use this have NO TALENT then why the f*** did u look up an AutoTune Dumbass?
can I have this
Haha y’all crack me up. This is a kick ass app and everyone knows you like it you just talk alot of shit. Y’all aren’t big shots. You should check out my country ass on this app!!! It’s so great!! Go onto YouTube and check out my music. Tell friends. I need more fans over yonder!! Ha! Look up my channel (midcliffcom) no dot
thank you!!!
I Love it
I love autotunes
it’s not free anymore.