Saturday Synth Porn: Not sure if it’s the repetitive grooves, the dark mood lighting, the sexy blinky lights or the chilled sounds, but this Tenori-On w/ Virus TI Desktop chillout jam hypnotized me and then made me embed it in a friggin’ blog post.
Note: Don’t hold me responsible if this video hypnotizes you and makes you go out and buy a Tenori On or an Access Virus TI!
via polishbroadcast
amazing vid and music!!! this is ELECTRONIC music <3
Thanks for the props! The TenoriOn can make you do crazy things (like embed videos!)
stupid toy. Don't be stupid to buy that.. Go Reaktor !!!!!!!
Just actually plugged my TenoriOn into the VirusTI a few days ago! I think the TenoriOn is pretty friggen fun to use. Super inspiring. I can’t wait!