Here’s the first official Tron: Legacy trailer – it looks and sounds fantastic.
Daft Punk was reported to being doing the soundtrack – but nothing on the trailer sounds especially Daft Punk.
If you know anything more about the soundtrack, leave a comment!
via WaltDisneyStudiosUK:
TRON: LEGACY is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that’s unlike anything ever captured on the big screen.
Sam Flynn (GARRETT HEDLUND), the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn (JEFF BRIDGES), looks into his fathers disappearance and finds himself pulled into the digital world of Tron where his father has been living for 25 years. Along with Kevin’s loyal confidant Qora (OLIVIA WILDE), father and son embark on a life-and-death journey of escape across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.
Directed by Joseph Kosinski. Cast includes Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, Bruce Boxleitner, James Frain, Beau Garrett and Michael Sheen.
TRON: LEGACY comes to UK cinemas in December.
I like the sound of the trailer soundtrack – but it sounds more like somebody like BT than Daft Punk, don't your think?
Actually all the part where we can see plans from inside the digital universe is Daft Punk for sure, with the massive bass !! And the filters and crazy beat-repeats on the Tron legacy title.
From what I've heard I think the soundtrack is going to be great, but I'm not really anxious to see this movie. IMO Hollywood is doing waay too much re-makes, re-runs and copying these days. Tron was a very good movie, with a daring environment.
This one looks, at first glimpse, just like your regular special effects movie.
Doesn't anyone in Hollywood read books these days? Lots of books coming out with interesting and new story lines. I guess that's all too 80's now; can't possible invest in some "amateur storyline" thus risking that it won't bring in any bucks.
Oh well, I'm rambling off again. Just my 2 cents.. As said; soundtrack seems awesome.
From what I've heard I think the soundtrack is going to be great, but I'm not really anxious to see this movie. IMO Hollywood is doing waay too much re-makes, re-runs and copying these days. Tron was a very good movie, with a daring environment.
This one looks, at first glimpse, just like your regular special effects movie.
Doesn't anyone in Hollywood read books these days? Lots of books coming out with interesting and new story lines. I guess that's all too 80's now; can't possible invest in some "amateur storyline" thus risking that it won't bring in any bucks.
Oh well, I'm rambling off again. Just my 2 cents.. As said; soundtrack seems awesome.
The music actually kind of blew me away. It does sound way more like a 'traditional' score than I would have imagined, but as mentioned above, there are synth-tastic elements to it that could definitely be the work of Daft Punk.
I totally expected just your standard French Disco playing behind the movie like a new Daft Punk album, but if that is really their work, they have certainly matured. Rather impressive, IMHO.
The music actually kind of blew me away. It does sound way more like a 'traditional' score than I would have imagined, but as mentioned above, there are synth-tastic elements to it that could definitely be the work of Daft Punk.
I totally expected just your standard French Disco playing behind the movie like a new Daft Punk album, but if that is really their work, they have certainly matured. Rather impressive, IMHO.
It's like orchestral…but then there's a little glimmer of synthy balls and then….ableton users all hear that grain delay and redux work and smile. I love the music so far and i think the film's gonna be awesome. Although I think I'm one of a very smal number who dont care if the film's naff cos daft punk are doing the music.
It's like orchestral…but then there's a little glimmer of synthy balls and then….ableton users all hear that grain delay and redux work and smile. I love the music so far and i think the film's gonna be awesome. Although I think I'm one of a very smal number who dont care if the film's naff cos daft punk are doing the music.
Tron Legacy Trailer was a Trending Topic all day today on Twitter. I covered it on my show
Tron Legacy Trailer was a Trending Topic all day today on Twitter. I covered it on my show
I like the sound of the trailer soundtrack – but it sounds more like somebody like BT than Daft Punk, don't your think?
I like the sound of the trailer soundtrack – but it sounds more like somebody like BT than Daft Punk, don't your think?
i was going to post this exact thing. the stutter edits are very BT (whose new album was phenomenal, btw)
a bt/dp collaboration would be tremendous.
There is a tradition in Hollywood of someone composing for the trailer, to fit what's there (and becuase the film is still being editted, composited, generally put together) then someone else doing the score for the film. This may be the case here and why it "sounds like …." Keep in mind that films are usually scorred to a near final edit.
There is a tradition in Hollywood of someone composing for the trailer, to fit what's there (and becuase the film is still being editted, composited, generally put together) then someone else doing the score for the film. This may be the case here and why it "sounds like …." Keep in mind that films are usually scorred to a near final edit.
Music in a movie trailer often has nothing to do with the movie's sountrack. Usually trailers borrow music from a previous movie, or are specifically scored by a production house, like Two Steps From Hell.
Music in a movie trailer often has nothing to do with the movie's sountrack. Usually trailers borrow music from a previous movie, or are specifically scored by a production house, like Two Steps From Hell.
D'oh…Badger beat me to it
D'oh…Badger beat me to it
Yeah, the trailer music was made BY Daft Punk just for the trailer.
And on that note, I think the movie looks fantastic. I think if anything, it will be amazing Eye Candy
I know there was a theme from Dragonheart that has been used for trailers about every year since it came out…. ; )
I. need. to. see. this. NOW.
End of line.
On another forum a guy said the song is "am I not human – two steps from hell.
Yes it is from Two Steps from Hell but the version released on the album Invincible isn't as good as what you hear on the Tron Trailer unfortunately.
I totally agree – watched the trailer and got that BT feeling, not enough stutters but theres definitely been some inspiration there
What is the movie trailer song called at 1:13