Musikmesse 2010: Da Fact, a French music instrument company, has introduced Karlax – a new type of MIDI controller designed to “re-establish the artist’s body at the heart of the performance.”
The Da Fact Karlax is designed to capture a variety of expressive movements which can be accessed in a simple, intuitive manner.
Da Facts:
Its sensors are fitted to precision mechanics components. The innovative architecture allows pistons, keys, switches, benders, triggers, a rotation axis and an inertial unit (comprising an inclinometer, accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope) to be activated separately or simultaneously.
An embedded screen for displaying and editing settings makes it possible to safely leave the computer off stage. With the product comes also a dedicated software compatible with both MAC and PC.
“Karlax pushes the boundaries of language,” says Nils Aziosmanoff, Chairman of LE CUBE, a creative centre devoted entirely to the digital arts. “The creative process is increasingly becoming an experience to savour: we are adopting an exploratory approach to creativity, instead of the previous contemplative, passive approach.”
An initial, limited numbered series has been announced for Q4, for an estimated price of 3500€ (excluding VAT)
Check out Da Fact Karlax and leave a comment with your thoughts!
via musotalk:
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Das Karlax ist Instrument und schnurloser MIDI-Controller mit integriertem Bewegungssensor in einem. Um das Prinzip zu verstehen führt der Hersteller “Da Fact” das Instrument gleich zu Beginn kurz vor. Auf der Website von Da Fact befindet sich ein sehr schön gemachtes 3D-Modell des Karlax, bei dem alle Details erklärt werden (leider nur auf französisch).
..make more music
this + an eigenharp just might make the best 2 man band of the sensory electronic era.
A) How many people will really take the time to become anywhere near fluid in playing tools like that and B) how many can or WILL drop $3-5k on one? Not to impose my own view on it past the intrigue, but there needs to be a link between the player's goals and adeptness and the listeners' ability to go where that leads. If its too unusual or quirky, it'll remain an oddity with a limited half-life.
This is Jarre territory. Noone else can afford it.
Well, look at what happened with monomes: cost £500+ and long waiting list then 18months later, out comes the launchpad for a fraction of the cost.
Hello to synthopia: this adress can be a good ressource of strange or DYI instruments: