iPad Music Software: This is a video demo and review of Korg iElectribe for the Apple iPad.
via VJFranzK:
Another example of live beat making! This software version is so similar to the Electribe hardware, I already know how to use it on the first day!
A drumbox that is not syncable with anything isnt really a drumbox, but a toy …
ah well its a fun toy! hrs of fun on the plane
wow, my $200 netbook can do this running FL studio…and guess what? I can sync that to other things and export the files when I get home! Wow…so advanced these computer things are.
chill out people.
This will open great possibilities,
It's almost like the original… the only thing that it is lacking is a practical use…
It's almost like the original… the only thing that it is lacking is a practical use…
All comments about the iPad and Video aside-
This guy has a an awesome voice.
I like this though.
You could sync it with a KP3 for example, which has AUTO BPM detection.
Auto BPM detection as sync ?? Are you serious ?
You cant even dump your work as audio file and transfer it to computer, so wha't the point except have some minutes of fun ??
Auto BPM detection as sync ?? Are you serious ?
You cant even dump your work as audio file and transfer it to computer, so wha't the point except have some minutes of fun ??
a program will continue to upgrade and to get better,…. a "phisycal" machine no… we'll see…
a program will continue to upgrade and to get better,…. a "phisycal" machine no… we'll see…
I really hate the … "ipad hating mode"
I love the new possibilites and this app
I recognize that this is a toy!!! That bothers me! Come on KORG guys, let us at least be able to export to wav!!! Is it so difficult to develop? (Beatmaker does export though)
I really cannot understand some music app developers. I had written in Audiorealism Technobox forum that although they have a magnificent music making app (the best sounding 909/808/303 virtualization, and all this in "one box") they condemn it to "toy status" by not offering the possibility to export the creations to wav. Hey, audiorealism,korg, etc imagine the marketing impact that would have on your apps if music making people confirmed that they have produced real tracks using your apps!
Is it not obvious that the reason there is no export is that they intend this toy to get people to buy their electribe hardware…?
Sheesh, people. Lots of things are toys but still useful to supplement socalled serious gear. Why hate so much? Anyway the ielectribe now supports .wav bounces to iTunes. I believe that the iPad and other slate computers will revolutionize the way (and the time, place, speed, engagement) we make music.
It seems that they guy who wrote about the upgradability of software was right. The app can now (1.1.0) export a rhythm pattern as a wav file. Does that make it less of a toy?
Seems the haters didn’t reply. Software>Hardware right? Because you can revise software afterward. Enjoy your atom-processor crippled netbook running a desktop os.
Looks like the haters didn’t reply. Software>Hardware right? Because you can revise software afterward. Enjoy your atom-processor crippled netbook running a desktop os.
If you can’t make hot tracks with this, you should probably seek another profession.
Uhh Hello! get a Y connector from radio shack and plug it in to any interface to your computer.
God.. what else do you want? I run it threw Logic Pro, add a few effects and it sounds like a $1000 drum machine..