iPad Music Software: MxNM LE (for Mix N Match MIDI Limited Edition) is a $4.99 app that turns your iPad into a touchscreen control surface that will send MIDI control change messages to many popular music software programs via WiFi.
This “limited edition” (hmm… maybe Live Edition is more apt) offers a total of 135 buttons, pads, and sliders,.
MxNM LE requires the free MxNM WiFi server to communicate with a remote computer. MxNM sends MIDI control change messages via the undefined control numbers on channels 9, 10, and 11. To use with your software environment, please refer to its documentation.
via jtproctor
just put puredata on it and save yourself 5 bucks.
it's not like it's that easy – i.e. "just put puredata on it". there's quite a bit more to it than that.
it's not like it's that easy – i.e. "just put puredata on it". there's quite a bit more to it than that.
A potentially useful app, but there seeems to be quite a bit of latency.