Saturday Synth Porn: This video demonstrates using the awesomely analog Dave Smith Instruments Mopho with remote control, using the free Mopho VSTi and an Akai APC40.
via inbetweenmovements:
I was really waiting for that VSTi because MIDI Implementation of MOPHO is not working with every controller, the MOPHO knobs are crappy and now I can finally use the APC 40 to control mopho.
Any info on how it works?
Could be very useful!
Downloaded the soft, but can't figure out, how to connect it.
Super sweet, waiting for my mopho to arrive any day, and this is exactly what I'm looking for.
@titovm: I'm having the same problem, tried all the usual MIDI tricks.. not getting anything to the Mopho .. it doesn't help that the company is almost non-existant and definitely did not make a manual, oh and the help buttons do not work in the VST either… grr. You ever figure anything out?