Ken MacBeth creates some of the world’s most lust worthy analog gear with MacBeth Studio Systems – but still finds time for a bit of extreme analog synth jamming, as this POV video shows.
via macbethsynthesizers:
Tech stuff- the sample and hold from LFO2 on the kbd is playing the thing- its sending both a CV signal and a Trig signal to make things happen!
This is extreme – how?
That discussion could only end in a subjective dialog about the relative qualities of "extremeness".
Are you suggesting, though, that that you could strap a camera to your head and capture more extreme analog point of view footage from the Mirlitronic Labs?
That would be a dizzying sight to see, to be sure.
That discussion could only end in a subjective discussion of the relative qualities of "extremeness".
Are you suggesting, though, that that you could strap a camera to your head and capture more extreme analog point of view footage from the Mirlitronic Labs?
That would be a dizzying sight to see, to be sure.
Oooh – a challenge….!
ooh yeah, it's like I'm practically touching the knobs myself. You guys just don't appreciate good synth porn.