The latest episode of Motherboard.TV takes a look at Reed Ghazala, the creator of circuit bending:
We travel to Cincinnati, Ohio, to meet with Reed Ghazala, the founder and father of circuit bending. Reed takes us into his workshop where we get a glimpse into his world of circuit bending, exploring the history and evolution of this art. Reed bends our minds by walking us through the struggles and triumphs he endured while establishing the art of circuit bending.
“The wires fall upon the circuit like the paint on Pollock’s canvas,” he says, rhapsodically.
Thank you for this! Reed is great. Discovered him and his website 11 years ago and started circuit bending that day. Notice his humble and laid back demeanor, unlike the hipsters who would have you believe that they have some sort of secret circuit bending cult buried deep beneath the catacombs of Brooklyn and the only way you can get is if if you know the password (it's "skinny jeans" incase you need it). Keep hope alive!
lol @ totalrecall … too fucking right man!
i totally agree…
His name is JACKSON POLLOCK. Learn how to look things up before you assume that's how you spell the name.
I get a little…meh..when it comes to circuit bending. I don't dislike it, but shorting components and replacing them with potentiometers or triggers hardly seems like something that needed "inventing". I'm just saying anyone that has ever build anything from electronic components has tried substituting or introducing parts to the schematic. Good on Ghazala and he is a force, obviously, but I'm sure there were many people doing this at the same time and probably before.
JACKSON POLLOCK's art sucked… so is circuit bending just the haphazard connecting of this shit to that shit and hoping for a happy accident?
don't feed the troll.
Learn how to not sound like an asshole before you say something.
@ Ben. I can understand what you are saying but I think something also to consider is circuit bending, unlike most circuits built from scratch, allows for repurposing of objects that might otherwise be forgotten or thrown away. Also, it gives you a starting point you may otherwise not arrive at on your own. Both of these reasons make circuit bending very appealing to me. I am sure people like David Tudor, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Gordon Mumma etc. were doing similar things pre-dating Reed but I think Reed's entire approach from thrift store hunting, aesthetics, non-scientific approach and the repurposing of familiar objects and toys seems to be a direct influence on current trends in "circuit bending".
@ideletemyself Keep Hope Alive!