via Moog Music on Facebook – Moog takes over the Asheville mac store to alpha test the iPhat Touch.
It looks like the “iPhat Touch” = an Apple iPad-enhanced Moog Little Phatty.
The iPad is running Ben Hovey’s template for TouchOSC:
“Being able to control many things previously hidden many steps deep in menus and seeing the parameters all at once is really fun!” says Hovey in the comments below. “I did make a template using TouchOSC and OSCulator and will share it once I get all the kinks worked out.”
Anybody else interested in trying this combo out?
It looks very much like a TouchOSC/OSCulator application.
no video? no happy
yes!!! there is the cramped hand again! because knobs on a screen are exactly the same as real knobs… uh-huh. don’t believe the hype.
That’s me in the pic and the video is coming soon. Actually, I was worried at first about it being redundant; but being able to control many things previously hidden many steps deep in menus and seeing the parameters all at once is really fun! I did make a template using TouchOSC and OSCulator and will share it once I get all the kinks worked out.
I put nearly every function on one screen. Here is a link to a screenshot for anyone interested…
Awesome Ben! There's a lot of potential in these little apps.
haha, fuck charlotte street
Ben, I made a couple similar synth controls in Touch OSC for the iPad also (although mine is a Thor controller for Reason) and while the control was great there was no way for the controls on the iPad to know what the settings of the synth are which made setting presets impossible. Did you figure out way for the Touch OSC controls to get a status value from the synth or do you have to touch every control first to the knob value synced to the param value? Does that make sense?
I think its a great idea in general. It would be nice to see if the synth community starts kicking out lots of dedicated control surfaces in TouchOSC for synths, especially the ones with the most hidden parameters like an ESQm or Matrix-1000. The Moog has most of its controls exposed already, so this is a minor win, but a great proof of concept though.
This will happen as soon as there's a TouchOSC that works with an iPad MIDI cable.
Seems like you'd be able to add Lemur-type control to any MIDI synth!