We haven’t posted too many videos, recently, that could potentially scar your brain for life.
So, we thought we’d remedy the situation with this techno music tutorial, quite possibly the worst electronic music tutorial ever, featuring the ear-melting beats of Crumpet Sex.
Remember – use only black notes, because it makes it simpler and people will think you’re cooler.
via Onision
this sucks, not funny at all
Wow. That really was super bad. I really hope he thought of the whole thing 5 minutes before, otherwise that.. Mmmm, hurts.
Never heard of irony teo? Lazlo?
Sure the production was garbage, but the joke is on you.
Hahaha! Made me laugh! Anyone that feels threatened should take the time to learn the white keys, too.
See "My hands are bananas" for a funny euro-techno parody.
Catchy tune, great lyrics. What's not to like? Shame there were no Apple products, though.
parody at it's best
I just thought it wasnt executed very well. The idea was good but the 5 minute premise I brought up was that he didnt really execute any of his directions very well. Its like were praising highschoolers for their activities done while they were bored.
Isn't this guy Lady Gaga's producer?
ever heard of "trying too hard"?
this guy hasnt either
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Nice try, but definitely trying too hard.
This is frickin' awesome.. OK, I will admit to feel kinda funny here. When "cool" movies show up I sometimes get very critical, and when uber "bad" movies come up I love 'm
Seriously; its over the top, sure. But that's part of the act. I love it. I've seen "well known" stand up comedians seriously trying to be funny which made me think 'dude, you're overdoing it' but this guy puts up a very nice act..
"Add some random notes to the beat so HOPEFULLY….".. This is funny
This is like something a friend of mine would make in high school and then I would have to lie when he asked what I thought of it. It's not even worth posting on this site.
Wait…this isn't the new Le Reaux song? Huh. I thought I heard this at a party.
There's an app for this.
I think this idea would have been better if it was done Tom Cosm style, where its looks legit, but when its done you get the shitty "tekno" song. Like the bizarro-Cosm
Sounded a little like early Ladytron if I am honest.
Over the top and not really funny.
But clearly worth the effort of responding to, though…
Epic parody fail
Is this on iTunes? My wallet's out
21 comments (so far) suggest you might be wrong on that one!
A few seconds to comment is worth it if it will help keep garbage like this off the website.
I get the impression the OP thought he was for real …
This is a low production video that is actually really really funny.
Good advice on the black keys thing though.
i get the joke, but it really wasn't funny.