This video, via controller1337, offers a first look at a custom DIY controller for MOTU BPM.
The controller, based on the MIDIBox platform, is basically designed to create a hardware version of MOTU BPM. The layout of the BPM controller closely follows the design of the BPM app.
It’s an impressive DIY job that begs the question – what music software do you want to see as hardware?
I think Rebirth would be awesome as hardware.
NI's Massive.
1. NI Traktor Pro
2. NI Massive
3. All of the Arturia products — especially the Moog Modular
4. dblue Glitch (not sure how, but it would be awesome!)
I like the idea of a tactile virtual modular, too. It would be great to patch it up and have all that knobbiness, but then be able to play polyphonically!
Cakewalks RAPTURE with an internal storage for samples.
I'd like to see Arturia's CS80V2 as hardware.
Oh, wait …
LinPlug's Albino, Tone2's Gladiator, and another vote for NI's Massive.
Those are my favourite synths that aren't already hardware (like Korg's Mono/Poly and NI's FM8, or those that wouldn't work as hardware, like Omnisphere).
Melodyne Editor… if the on-screen blobs were in orange plasticine instead you could squidge the formants and mould the pitches with your fingers.
I'm looking forward to a multi-touch version of Melodyne. Wouldn't it be fun to just use your hands to "massage" vocals into shape?
Ableton live. Haha I'm stupid.
FL Studio as a hardware! =P
Propellerhead ReBirth as a hardware: yes
Ableton Live =)
All the good ones =)
Reason's Thor synth.
I remember that the MOTU BPM and the NI Maschine were announced roughly at the same time, and that I was fooled by a 3D image of the former and thought both were actually hardware
synplant with real plants,
Reaktor 5
gaugear, vectory, gobox, newscool, travelizer, kaleidon, green matrix
except full DAWs wouldn't really work in hardware, you would have to dedicate half a wall to them.
I would love dblue Glitch as hardware. *drool*
I could imagine it.
Tone2 Gladiator,
IK multimedia T-Racks,
NI Kontakt workstation (with a motif-style sequencer and actual sampling, would make me cry happy-tears.)
NI the finger…
Rob Papen Blue and Predator.
All of the D16 instruments and fx in a groovebox.
I know it is far from the realm of possible. Unless we follow the rules given to us by the film 'Inception'. That I could go for.
I want to see a software version of Steve Jobs so the Woz could remove the data forks and watch it struggle.
See the Sexy 3D Ad For A Virtual Instrument Hall Of Shame.
None of the above
I'd like to keep the option for an easy upgrade.
µTonic! I would snap up a physical version of that with some drum pads in a second
NI Absynth & Reaktor!
Stillwell Audio's OLGA!
ummmm it is three types of hardware combined into software….