touchAble – A Dedicated Multitouch Controller For Ableton Live

iPad Music Software: This is a teaser/first look at touchAble, a new app that turns an Apple iPad into a dedicated multitouch controller for Ableton Live.

Based on this first look, touchAble looks like it may just be a killer iPad app for electronic musicians.

Here’s what the developers have to say about touchAble:

touchAble allows live users to walk away from their computer and perform live from anywhere within Wi-Fi range while keeping latency at a minimum.

Navigate around your live set with the touch of a finger, tweak Lives mixer, instruments and fx with full automapping and unlimited tracks & parameters. Play your favourite synths with the unique double keyboard or record your rhythms with the 16 drum pads, including 5 velocity steps & octave selectors.

Access the most important transport and clip functions without losing focus on your set and tweak the same set with two iPads with the unique Dual-User-Mode. Do you need to adjust volume, launch a new clip and play a device? Don’t worry – a smart and intuitive screen menu empowers the user to arrange and switch modules on the fly.

If you’re a live user – check this out and let me know what you think.

Is touchAble the iPad controller app you’ve been waiting for?

No pricing has been announced. touchAble is officially “coming soon”. More on touchAble at the developer’s site.

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