Propellerhead Software has released the updated Record 1.5 and Reason 5, which add new instruments, effects, sequencing, sounds, patches and more.
Her’s a quick guide to what’s new and what it will cost you.
Propellerhead Reason 5 & Record 1.5 Highlights:
The new Kong Drum Designer and Dr. Octo Rex loop player extend Reason’s instrument arsenal to help musicians get phenomenal sounding rhythms, drums tracks and beats.
Reason 5 and Record 1.5 add a whole new take on sequencing: Blocks—build songs parts like patterns and string them together for lightening fast arranging with the ability to freely go back and forth between pattern and linear modes.
Neptune, a pitch correction tool and amazing voice synthesizer, turns less than perfect performances into great ones in no time. Simply play new harmonies on a MIDI keyboard for instant backing vocals. Live sampling into all sample capable devices means any musician can use samples in a new and playful manner, discovering the lost art of creative sampling. The Expanded Factory Sound Bank, doubling in size, plus added signature sound designers’ patches, inspire new arrangements and compositions. Multi core optimization, an on-screen keyboard and tempo scaling of clips top the list of additional improvements.
Check out the details below and let us know what you think about Propellerhead Reason 5 & Record 1.5!
New Features:
- Kong Drum Designer (Reason) – Load, sculpt, build and tweak your sounds with your choice of drum synthesis, sampling, REX loops, physical modeling and custom-made effect modules for percussion on Kong’s 16 pads.
- Dr. REX octuples into Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player (Reason) – No matter how you use it—as a pattern sequencer for loops, or to completely mangle your REX’ed audio – it is guaranteed to inspire.
- New Neptune Pitch Adjuster and Voice Synth Device (Record) – Super flexible high-quality processor to correct and shift pitches, create backing harmonies, formant shift or take your vocals into outer space.
- Block based pattern sequencing mode makes song creation fast and flexible (Both) – Go from pattern-based arrangements to linear—to patterns again. Take your music beyond the eight bar loop.
- Vastly expanded Factory Sound Bank with Signature patches (Reason) – Reason’s sound bank more than doubles in size, thanks in large part to signature contributors: Printz Board, Bomb Squad, Jason McGerr, Sharooz, Adam Beyer, Keith LeBlanc, Cari Lekebusch & others.
- Live sampling (Reason) – Re-explore the lost art (and fun) of sampling. Every sample player becomes a sampler; record with a single click — further tweak with the built-in editor.
- Other updates – A number of other additions that guarantee to make your music making more fun – Multi-core optimization, on-screen keyboard and scaling audio and MIDI clips, interface enhancements and many more too numerous to name.
Record 1.5 + Reason 5 Resources
Here are some resources you can use to get up to speed on Propellerhead Reason 5 and Record 1.5:
- Propellerhead Reason 5 + Record 1.5 Interview
- Kong Tutorial
- Using Blocks
- Live Sampling Tutorial
- Dr. Octo Rex
- Neptune Pitch Adjuster
- Updated demo downloads
- Free Upgrade Info
- Propellerhead on YouTube
- Sidegrade (includes Reason 5 upgrade) EUR 149 / USD $169
- Reason 5 Upgrade from any version EUR 99 / USD $129
- Record 1.5 Upgrade from any version free download
- Record Reason Duo bundle EUR 405 / USD $449
- Reason EUR 305 / USD $349
- Record EUR 279 / USD $299
If you purchased a qualifying Reason product after May 24, 2010, you can upgrade for free.
I'm a bit disappointed in how I have to obtain my free upgrade. It's not downloadable and has to be physically sent in the mail from Line 6. The part that really bugs me is they say the delivery will take up to six weeks. Due to the fact that Record 1.5 will on work with Reason 5, I haven't downloaded it yet even though it's been available for some time. Now I must wait another month or more. Propellerhead have handled this very poorly.
What amazes me is that they still keep the price tags Reason-able
In every sense of the word: you see it happening so many times that companies sell a product for (fictive:) $350,- / E 350,-. So basically ripping one side of the world off (personal opinion).
Another thing which strikes me is that Reason is still E305,-. That's what I paid for Reason 4 back then. And E100,- for an upgrade? That too looks very fair to me. I just got note that my (free) upgrade shipped today so with a little luck I can play the whole upcoming weekend discovering Kong and the extra soundbanks (gf has already been warned ;-)).
My take on the whole thing is simple: Reason is very good value for your money. If you're looking for a DAW it might fill the gap, and if you already have a good setup it might very well fill up gaps and extend on your work in ways you wouldn't even think were possible. Can't comment on Record since I'm one of those guys who used Reason to expand his current setup with. Reason allows you to take it as easy or as deep as you want it to go. It redefines (IMO) the word flexible.
i might get REASON since ABLETON LIVE 8 is unstable and everyone that uses LIVE 8 is complaining alot on their forum saying every update still crashes.
Sounds like you need to read before you buy. You bought Reason 4. You get the update for free because of their "grace period". And you're here telling us you haven't even loaded it up the entire time you had it. AND now you are whining because you don't get the FREE one fast enough? Are you a complete and utter moron or just a thankless assmunch?
That's because Propellerhead actually cares about their customers. Some companies like to do minimal updates to their host systems and pump out cheap money making instruments. You'll see more of these types of companies being weeded out due to lack of customer support and only being able to produce 32 bit old technology.
I've been a total Reason freak for years going from adapted to 4.0 and just bought 5.0. I can't say I'm incredibly excited about any of the updates (although Kong is pretty cool) but $129 for an update for Reason AND Record is a no brainer for a Reason fan like myself.
I'm gonna sell my Live 8 and get Reason for stablity.
I like the way Propellerhead really listen to their users and make worthwhile improvements to their software before releasing them, thats why I support them buy purchasing the programs. The price is very reasonable for the software also. Viewed several videos showing the new features in action and cannot wait to get my upgrades. I use Logic and can rewire Reason/Record easily to take take advantage of it's functionality; however the quality of audio I am getting out of Record means I do not have to rely on Logic. My sound engineer also uses Pro Tools and both programs can easily be connected.
I'm a big fan of plants. /s
Yeah it's got some cool new features. But if reason now records audio in, why exactly do you need Record at all?
I've been wondering about that too. To my knowledge (note; not a Record user) its mainly because Record is fully aimed at recording and sequencing whereas Reason is more about making music.
Record has several specific devices aimed at recording and processing (take Neptune for example), its approach uses the 'Reason factor' but in a whole new way (for example; afaik each track in Record basically has its own 'Reason rack'). And because its all about recording it comes with several presets aimed at recording specific pieces of music.
Now; Reason can record stuff too, but from what I've seen so far its not so much as recording a whole track or session but more focused on recording samples which you can then use in your own setup. So; short sound takes.
AFAIK you cannot setup an audio track in Reason to record and setup your own tracks.
Thanks for your dismissive and condescending tone 'seriously?' or should I call you utter moron? I am well aware my upgrade is based on a purchase based grace period. I never said I didn't load Reason 4, I clearly stated I didn't download the 1.5 update to Record, as it is incompatible with Reason 4. Being that the idea is to use Reason and Record together, the inability to use Record 1.5 until I have Reason 5 was reason enough to not install Record 1.5, nothing moronic there except your lack of reading comprehension abilities.
Propellerhead didn't even announce how to receive the upgrade until the 23rd of August.
It was then I realized that if you purchased from a US retailer rather than the Prop's Shop it would have to be handled by Line 6, and the wait would be a lot longer than most users would have to endure. Forums are full of people saying they are receiving their upgrades in the span of one week, or have received them already. My being disappointed that I will have to wait 6 times longer is neither moronic or thankless. You on the other hand are a typical internet douchebag who apparently struggles with reading.
Reason 5 for FREE @
Of course, you COULD be like one of us who got the Reason/Record upgrade WITHOUT a Reason 5 license. Or maybe one with the misprinted license cards.
Naturally, Propellerhead is ignoring us or is too "busy" to respond since they're so busy "caring about their customers." My particular favorite is their wonderful forum area where those reporting issues can be verbally assaulted by Fanboys who are convinced their favorite product is being blasphemed. It's also nice to see a support staffer post, "I added a FAQ about this in the support area." without providing a link. Naturally, you have to go find it for yourself, amidst the Reason 4, 3, and 2 information, since there's NOT much Reason 5 support to read at all.
Thanks Propellerhead! You guys ROCK!
The difference between the Reason rack/mixer setup and the Record one is huge.
I make music with Reason + guitars + vocals and have previously tried out Cubase and Mackie Tracktion 3.0 as DAW when making demo recordings, no more I say
The mayor difference is the way the mixer is made up. You dont need to use the racked mixer any more, instead you have a mixer with one channel strip per sound track, with the strips themselves grouped as a "real" mixing deck.
Each strip has a lot more features as well, a better defined EQ, more inserts, more auxes, built in dynamics and more.
On top of that you have the extra devices that comes in handy when recording audio.
Doesn't matter how good it is – could lay golden albums – problem really lies in the way you have to authorize the software.
The software only works if you have a constant on internet connection – like that would never go down. Or there site for that matter.
Second most Mac books only come with 2 usb ports – you have to give one up – ie need to dedicate a usb port to the igniton key.
As well unless you agree that if you paid for Record 1 and REcord 1.5 and you should onlky get one or the other – you won't l ike the fact you can not have both liscenses on the ignition key nor have both Reason 4 and Reason 5 ont he igniton key.
As well – most manufacturers of wireless mice have gone low profile with the usb reciever due to breakage – it sticks out too far and is easily broken – At $50 bucks a replacement for the igniton key – and your software will not work as a liscensed copy with out it – "your" reverts back to demo mode.
And if you have an issue like we have had – we're 6 weeks running and still don't have Reason 5 on our key due to a gliche on the Propellerhead website while authorizing it
Doesn't matter how good it is – could lay golden albums – problem really lies in the way you have to authorize the software.
The software only works if you have a constant on internet connection – like that would never go down. Or there site for that matter.
Second most Mac books only come with 2 usb ports – you have to give one up – ie need to dedicate a usb port to the igniton key.
As well unless you agree that if you paid for Record 1 and REcord 1.5 and you should onlky get one or the other – you won't l ike the fact you can not have both liscenses on the ignition key nor have both Reason 4 and Reason 5 ont he igniton key.
As well – most manufacturers of wireless mice have gone low profile with the usb reciever due to breakage – it sticks out too far and is easily broken – At $50 bucks a replacement for the igniton key – and your software will not work as a liscensed copy with out it – "your" reverts back to demo mode.
And if you have an issue like we have had – we're 6 weeks running and still don't have Reason 5 on our key due to a gliche on the Propellerhead website while authorizing it
Doesn't matter how good it is – could lay golden albums – problem really lies in the way you have to authorize the software.
The software only works if you have a constant on internet connection – like that would never go down. Or there site for that matter.
Second most Mac books only come with 2 usb ports – you have to give one up – ie need to dedicate a usb port to the igniton key.
As well unless you agree that if you paid for Record 1 and REcord 1.5 and you should onlky get one or the other – you won't l ike the fact you can not have both liscenses on the ignition key nor have both Reason 4 and Reason 5 ont he igniton key.
As well – most manufacturers of wireless mice have gone low profile with the usb reciever due to breakage – it sticks out too far and is easily broken – At $50 bucks a replacement for the igniton key – and your software will not work as a liscensed copy with out it – "your" reverts back to demo mode.
And if you have an issue like we have had – we're 6 weeks running and still don't have Reason 5 on our key due to a gliche on the Propellerhead website while authorizing it
Doesn't matter how good it is – could lay golden albums – problem really lies in the way you have to authorize the software.
The software only works if you have a constant on internet connection – like that would never go down. Or there site for that matter.
Second most Mac books only come with 2 usb ports – you have to give one up – ie need to dedicate a usb port to the igniton key.
As well unless you agree that if you paid for Record 1 and REcord 1.5 and you should onlky get one or the other – you won't l ike the fact you can not have both liscenses on the ignition key nor have both Reason 4 and Reason 5 ont he igniton key.
As well – most manufacturers of wireless mice have gone low profile with the usb reciever due to breakage – it sticks out too far and is easily broken – At $50 bucks a replacement for the igniton key – and your software will not work as a liscensed copy with out it – "your" reverts back to demo mode.
And if you have an issue like we have had – we're 6 weeks running and still don't have Reason 5 on our key due to a gliche on the Propellerhead website while authorizing it
Doesn't matter how good it is – could lay golden albums – problem really lies in the way you have to authorize the software.
The software only works if you have a constant on internet connection – like that would never go down. Or there site for that matter.
Second most Mac books only come with 2 usb ports – you have to give one up – ie need to dedicate a usb port to the igniton key.
As well unless you agree that if you paid for Record 1 and REcord 1.5 and you should onlky get one or the other – you won't l ike the fact you can not have both liscenses on the ignition key nor have both Reason 4 and Reason 5 ont he igniton key.
As well – most manufacturers of wireless mice have gone low profile with the usb reciever due to breakage – it sticks out too far and is easily broken – At $50 bucks a replacement for the igniton key – and your software will not work as a liscensed copy with out it – "your" reverts back to demo mode.
And if you have an issue like we have had – we're 6 weeks running and still don't have Reason 5 on our key due to a gliche on the Propellerhead website while authorizing it
Doesn't matter how good it is – could lay golden albums – problem really lies in the way you have to authorize the software.
The software only works if you have a constant on internet connection – like that would never go down. Or there site for that matter.
Second most Mac books only come with 2 usb ports – you have to give one up – ie need to dedicate a usb port to the igniton key.
As well unless you agree that if you paid for Record 1 and REcord 1.5 and you should onlky get one or the other – you won't l ike the fact you can not have both liscenses on the ignition key nor have both Reason 4 and Reason 5 ont he igniton key.
As well – most manufacturers of wireless mice have gone low profile with the usb reciever due to breakage – it sticks out too far and is easily broken – At $50 bucks a replacement for the igniton key – and your software will not work as a liscensed copy with out it – "your" reverts back to demo mode.
And if you have an issue like we have had – we're 6 weeks running and still don't have Reason 5 on our key due to a gliche on the Propellerhead website while authorizing it
I may have to do so too. Love reason
I downloaded the 20-minute Reason Demo a while ago, and I really like it. I've looked at some of the programs offered at Best Buy, and they don't come very close to it. I really like how Reason lets you create your own sounds and stuff, and doesn't just have a bunch of preset loops and "convincing" instrument sounds. I may be a total novice to this whole world, but I know that I really like Reason (4/5?).