This music video combines the Lego stop-frame animation of Parker W Young with BT’s Nocturne de Lumière, from These Hopeful Machines,
via parkerwyoung:
“Le Nocturne de Lumière” [mixed with “Suddenly”] BT [Brian Transeau] These Hopeful Machines, 2010
Directed by: Parker W Young 2,700 images were shot over the course of 3 weeks (some were also reused) and compiled in Final Cut Pro 7 and After Effects CS4. In less than 2 weeks the images went from memory cards to final video output, making it the fastest edit I’ve ever done.
In that two weeks, all the compositing with holographic characters, additional motion graphics, camera movements, audio adjustments, color correction, titles and other effects were added to the original image line.
Everything you see on the screen was shot through a Canon D50, including the holograms.Elements were not added to the original images, only rearranged. Many-a-night’s sleep was lost during the process, but it was ultimately worth it.
In many ways, scarier than 'Terminus'.
well done! I´d like to know about the workflow between Final Cut and After Effects! Which task was done with which software? did you transfer material back and forth between FCP and AE?
Everything was compiled in FCP7 – AECS4 was only used for the holographic lego dudes and the intro credits / outtro credits, etc. Most of the AE elements were rendered out at the FCP project size with alpha and then layered on top. ALMOST everything you see on screen (other than graphics, obviously) were raw photos.
80% of my time was spent in production. offers a growing library of conformable motion graphics for use in film, television, commercials, interactive web sites, and other multimedia productions.