Teenage Engineering has released an update on the status of their much-hyped OP-1 synthesizer.
Here’s what they have to say:
Project status
- When it comes to functionality, 90% percent is completed and working.
- Some parts of the system is still being fine tuned and optimized. Overall we are extremely happy with what we have.
- The OP-1 will be shipped with 6 synthesizer engines and 2 sampler types. Pulse was shown at the NAMM show, the other synthesizer
- engines are DrWave, FM, Phase, String, Digital, Cluster. Further it will include 8 effects, 3 LFO types and 3 original sequencers.
- The Mixer section has a dedicated EQ and Drive as well as Master Balance and an additional Master Effect slot.
- The Sequencers can be matched to the tape speed with a feature called Beat Match.
- The Tape also have additional ONE-KEY features added that will be revealed at launch.
Beta test
- The beta test is approaching. The beta sign up has been closed for quite some time. So wait and see if you are one of those we invite to participate.
- When the beta machines will be released those invited have the option to buy a machine, get all updates and be credited in the manual.
- Unfortunately we cannot give beta machines away for free or reduce the price.
- We are very excited about this final phase when the feature set will be locked down and to get feedback from fresh eyes and ears.
- We just received the golden sample for the keyboard module / plastic parts from the factory. And we are very satisfied with the look and feel of it.
- The complexity level of the OP-1’s electronics makes component sourcing a bit tricky. As soon as we get the missing chips we will go into production with the first beta batch.
- Shortly after, the first full production run will be started. So keep your fingers crossed that all this works out.
More details and some awesome Teenage Engineering OP-1 synth porn after the jump.
Pricing & Availability
- Estimated street price: $799 / Euro 799 (includes EC-VAT)
- Estimated release date: TBA (Depending on the last components to arrive)
Initially the OP-1 will be sold exclusively in the Teenage Engineering store. See our full overview of the Teenage Engineering OP-1 Synthesizer from NAMM for more details.
The price is up about $100 from what we heard earlier in the year, but we would not be surprised if Teenage Engineering still gets a lot of initial demand for the OP-1.
What do you think of the Teenage Engineering OP-1? And will you be interested in one at $799?
As I commented elsewhere, what irritates me is that the European price is the equivalent of $1075!!!!
I'd be interested in Teenage Engineering's logic behind that.
id like to see sound on sound review this
I think it looks too much like a Fischer-Price toy to get much traction at that price. I guess we'll see. I think it will end up a boutique collector's item 5 years from now.
It's really, really cool, but it's a toy. It's basically a Casio Sk-1. And, therefore, way too expensive.
I can’t see $800 for a keyboard that doesn’t have a real keyboard,
It seems like the Cadillac of synth toys.
To all the haters of the form factor a few words.
Any Buchla
That is all
if the reviews all say it blows everything else away, then the asking price will turn out to be a bargain. Pretty sure they wont all say that though, unfortunately.
If it can do as many things as my Nord Modular G2 engine, then I will pay the price (once it drops a few dollar below MSRP) . I paid roughly the same for my Nord
However doing more than the Nord Modulars is a pretty tough task, I doubt even the Minimoog does more than my Nord G2
Looks cool but way overpriced function-wise… It had better sound really really good and be able to contend with things like the blofeld, monoevolver, and mono machine…
In all honesty… It reminds me of a korg groove box with less features.
tb 303 – Universally hated when it came out, a total fluke that it became ridiculously overpriced.
Sidstation – For Commodore 64 noises I would use….a commodore 64 and save the money
ESD WASP – Has a keyboard (of sorts), traditional playability
Korg MONOTRON – fun toy, not 1000 dollars
Any Buchla- I'll give you this one. Overpriced for sure.
Even if you want to pay that price for one of these things, why on earth would you buy
it on the first run? These guys have been tinkering with these for years. Wait a year or two and you'll get a better one for a fraction of the price.
In answer to the question – no.
I mean, it hasn't even got wooden end cheeks. For that price, I expect wooden end cheeks.
Watched a bunch of video's on YouTube and I would have to say that my answer
to the price tag is…No…
From what I saw and heard, it wasn't impressive enough to fork out $800.00 for.
I own it, its a great device, just give it a try.
That's one for customsynth.co.uk!
Today, for that price, almost nothing would be impressive.
I never thought i'd say this…but wouldn't this thing just be better off as an iPad app?
Or they could strip the functionality down and sell it as what it looks like: a $99 toy along the lines of the Stylophone, Monotron, DS-10 or Bliptronic 5000. Then I'd buy one.
Korg Monotron. $59.
Way cool modded with CV.
no and just had to say that cant try and randomly compare the minimoog to the the nord g2 the minimoog was like the first affordable synth in 70s and the nord g2 a digital virtual modular synth
Haven't had a chance to feel it in person, but the keyboard looks unplayable. Synth keyboards are bad enough already. Might be good for some home/studio work or making music on-the-go. Definitely not a performance instrument. Didn't see if it could receive MIDI, but then that'd kind of defeat the point of having such a small form factor…
The price is disappointing
As my friend Keith Jarret would say : All synths are toys, whatever their price…
For its looks, it looks too expensive. But for functionality its price starts to sound ok. And I know that, like everything else, this will sound better than soundchipless iPad.
And for the "its keyboard doesn't look like its as good as some performance synths" -Sherlocks, Oh you think so? Or perhaps this was a portable sequencer type of synth instead? And for the rest of iPadTopian readers, its keyboard at least feels in your fingers.
I thought it would be a little cheaper, a little, but you know, its developement wasn't like, duh, free.
Much like selling a house, how much the sellers *need* to charge for it is completely unrelated to how much people will *pay* for it… I can totally believe they need to sell it at $800 to make money. I just don't think that means that people will be willing to pay that much for it.
maybe this is a birthday wish – I like nice toys:-)
Thats true.
But I was protesting against the negativity. There are people, who digs this and are willing to buy this. I think TE wasn't in an illusion of this being mass market product. Im not buying this, but I find this interesting product and I hate the infectious forum negativity trying to kill the collective mood for niche synths.
And for those (propably) softies, who complained about the price, some matterles FM friggin Fruity Loops plugin cost 300$ alone.
Hm, an apparently potent synth engine crammed into a tiny Casio-like frame that all but requires a stylus to operate. Not for me. I'll bet that price reflects the process of cramming so much into that small a GUI, just because the rage is on for portable everything these days. While I appreciate some of the smaller gear we see, this looks like another one you'd need a software editor and a "REAL" controller to operate without hitting some annoying walls. How much would you like to bet that it would be $500 if the case was twice that size and the controls less cramped? That would bring it into line with its general competition. But yeah, let's see SOS review it. That'll tell the tale. They worked on it long enough; let's give them some benefit-of-doubt and see how that came out in real-world terms.
It's intriguing because it's a bit out there.
You have to give these guys credit for doing something that's a little different for a change.
i hate your hatred and your negativity about negativity
I'm negative about negative… At least 1 plus for DX right away, for being so awesomely sour!!!
Thats the most delightfully pessimistic response, I have ever seen!
You mean $79.9, right?
I think the guys at teenage engineering would disagree:
OP-1 stands for OVER PRICED ONE
I gave it some thought, but realistically if i want a portable synth station with a headphone jack I've already got an iPhone 4 and could use that money else where.
It is burnt onto my mind now. It will be the new name for it….everyone will call it that now
If at least it had good connectors…
Portability is not an argument. Have no problem transporting my 19″ rack to perform live.
I’ll have no difficulty to stay away from this well named OverPriced-1.
so nobody saw this video?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxuEl8qkErs
the op-1 is a star!
Hipster boutique plastic bling.
$200 I would think about it. Over $1000 and they are on fucking drugs.
No discount on the beta version? AND they expect free feedback? 800 Euros!?!?!?! For that?!?!?
I actually signed ontp the beta list when it was open, but for that price, they're going to have to kiss me AND pay for my cab home!
amen brother
critter and guitari's pocket piano packs a bunch of fun in a prettier box or a tenth of the price.
$500-600 maybe. I could see it fitting in to what I do.
I'll get it. I was willing to pay up to $800 or so.
It's a obscenely overpriced toy that Swedish House producers will proclaim as the second coming. It looks like a casio toy mixed with a five dollar ipad app. You could buy a decent pc and Reason and still have change for a hooker for the evening for the same price. it's madness, I tell you, MADNESS !!!
for this price it should have a 60 gb hdd and come with a nice ass case. when i get it it'll be nice to fool around with before bed or whenever that inspiration hits.
no chance
i should buy it for $150-$250 but not higher there are muchbetter things you could buy with $799
i love it
i'd probably pay double that
even though i'm totally poor and hate digital synths
i love it
i'd probably pay double that
even though i'm totally poor and hate digital synths
i love it
i'd probably pay double that
even though i'm totally poor and hate digital synths
i love it
i'd probably pay double that
even though i'm totally poor and hate digital synths
i love it
i'd probably pay double that
even though i'm totally poor and hate digital synths
i love it
i'd probably pay double that
even though i'm totally poor and hate digital synths
795 USD becomes 795 Eur, like any other elec device, perhaps…
…believe it or not ….I have been looking for something like this for the past year….a pocket sized rocket….that has sampling,keyboard,sequencer,FX..etc…..for the asking price….I will pay!!!
no freaking way!
Who in their right mind would take a $1133,- synth/sequencer (toy) that is ultraportable in their backpack?
For that price I'd buy some decent monitors / 2 audio interfaces / a brand new Macbook (!) / 3 field recorders / etc.
This little device seems like great fun… but will you producer your next album with it? I think not.
So it'll be the synth equivalent of a guitar you could take everywhere with you just to fiddle around and have fun. Thus it's more of a toy than an actual production machine.
I could just take a small laptop with me everywhere with ableton on it and achieve the same.
Since I hardly use my MPC2000xl or my reel-to-reel gear anymore I'm happy with just "playing" with the KP3 live. At least I earn money back off gigs.
i'd buy one for £100 less
I think the OP-1 might be cool…
but for $800, I'd buy (used) either:
a monomachine
a used machinedrum
an evolver tabletop and a korg electribe
mpc1000 and a mopho
a pc laptop with reaktor
electribe er-1, ea-1, and an sx
…. I'm not saying the OP-1 is overpriced… I'm just pointing out that there are ways to get more for your money. But you will lose portability, battery power, and uniformity… but yeah.
I would definetely buy one if they were just a littlebit cheaper, around 600-700 dollars.Anybody know if they’re gonna set the price down anytime soon?
op-z is coming for $599
This aged well ?