Apple’s iPod, iPad “The Future Of Electronic Music” Says Rudess

Billboard has announced its pick for the best music creation app – Jordan Rudess’s Morphwiz

The Dream Theater keyboardist took home the Best Music Creation App‘award at the Billboard Music App Awards Tuesday (Oct. 5) for MorphWiz, an app from Wisdom Music that turns the iPhone into a new instrument.

After playing a psychedelic rendition of Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Rudess called Apple’s iOS devices “the future of electronic music”, and said he incorporates both iPads and iPhones into Dream Theater’s live show.

MorphWiz beat out the LaDiDa singing assistance app, and the AmpliTube iRig: a piece of software that adds guitar effects, a tuner, and multiple presets to phones, turning them into a mobile studio with the help of a mic jack.

Conceived by Rudess, the quasi-3D synthesizer for iPhone made $40,000 in sales in the first month.

18 thoughts on “Apple’s iPod, iPad “The Future Of Electronic Music” Says Rudess

  1. If Rudess is right about the iPad and iPod being the future of Electronic Music, (and they may well be), I think it will be a bleak future for the short term.

    Just like with any technology, I think it will be a while before we are able to hear an artistic expression through all the layers of prefab or automated/patterned music. I think folks will have more fun making uninspired music, and probably some folks will listen with interest.

    The Future AFTER the iPad/iPod revolution– i.e., after people begin to grow tired of robotic music generated by apps that treat users like children; that after-future will be exciting.

  2. I think he will live to regret saying that…….I mean come on, a tactile-less, jumped up touchscreen laptop is the future of electronic music because……???? oh, it's because it's got an Apple badge on it and everyone wants to be on that next Apple bandwagon.

  3. Is Jordan a spokesman for Apple iPod/iPad now ? seems like every video I see him in
    he's got an iPad or iPod in his hands and seems like that's all he talks about now.

  4. Jordan is a total whore, look at the amount of products he endorses, its incredible. Every product I look at, he bloody well pops up. Jordan is starting to get old fast.

  5. S42010 – it's pretty clear that he's a shrewd businessman and understands that there are a lot of people with iPhones and iPads that are willing to pay a few bucks to try out some electronic music software.

    Whether you like what he's doing or not, he's smart enough to know that musicians can't make money by complaining about how nobody wants to buy records anymore.

  6. S42010 – it's pretty clear that he's a shrewd businessman and understands that there are a lot of people with iPhones and iPads that are willing to pay a few bucks to try out some electronic music software.

    Whether you like what he's doing or not, Jordan's realizes that he's not going to make money by complaining about how nobody wants to buy records anymore.

  7. Musician with music software for iPad proclaims iPad future of music, found financial success after marketing product, may have reason to continue doing so. News at 11.

  8. stub said:
    "If Rudess is right about the iPad and iPod being the future of Electronic Music, (and they may well be)"
    First of all it is "he" not "they" and secondly he is absolutely correct…
    Just check out the latest iPad app release – nLog PRO that not only sounds GREAT, but also features MIDI implementation by Line 6 🙂

  9. Dapunk said:
    "Jordan is a total whore"
    Jordan Rudess is accomplished and well known muso.
    … and who the hell are you…?! Oh sorry your nickname says it all – punk.

  10. I would have been more impressed if he actually played it in that video.

    And yeah, count me in as being one of the people getting increasingly bored of seeing him in every damned promo video for every synth ever.

  11. You can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes every time he recommends a product.
    But there is no doubt, the touch screens are here to stay.

  12. Nxch said:
    "You can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes every time he recommends a product."
    How is that?! He is very often reviewing apps from other developers i.e nLog PRO mentioned above.
    Let's face it – iOS is THE FUTURE, even Apple's own OS X is in trouble 😉

  13. The word "they" was referring to the iPad and the iPod, and "may well be" was not referring to any rightness on Rudess's part, but rather to "the future" that the i-products would be. You knew that. You're not a moron. But I agree it was a stupid way to phrase it.

  14. If Rudess makes part of his income "whoring" for manufacturers, he is doing a marginally useful service. He probably won't want to damage his cred by endorsing a really embarrassing product. But when it comes down to products that are basically functioning and not buggy pieces of $hi+, it is such a subjective realm in so many ways.

    And zeno, I wasn't saying Rudess was wrong. I was saying that whether he is right, this "future" –where the iPad/iPod is a main source of sound-making, and/or content creation — will be bleak in terms of the art of music. Still, many more people will get involved in music making– I can't judge that. Like everything, it will have its up's and down's.

  15. I guess one secret of the iPhone is that it can be used to talk with someone else over a large distance. Maybe there's an app that converts the talking into singing; a telephone argument becomes – literally – grand opera? I love the way the more sophisticated technology gets, the closer the connections back through time get…

  16. i dont think it will be a bleak future at all. The lead artist in Gorillaz has been fasinated with the ipad since it came out and he has produced a whole album from his ipad and is releasing it after christmas and i havnt been this excited for an album release in a long time.

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