18 thoughts on “Awesome Daft Punk Tron: Legacy Soundtrack Music Video

  1. Simplistic "software minimal techno" kicks, and that lead riff doesn't really change up much. Okay, it's still preferable to the usual generic orchestral stuff (as androidvision said), Human After All is still part of their discography and always will be completely rubbish due to its over-over-over-repetition. Let's hope they've learned.

  2. It's decent music for a film trailer or a chase or any physical action scene. Can't tell much by it alone. We'll know whether the score works when we see the whole movie. It very well could be working, but it's definately a different kind of vibe than in the original movie which probably will be good at the box office.

  3. Have you guys watched the original Tron recently?

    It's up there with The Black Hole.

    This actually looks pretty cool, though.

  4. Not like I care just need to send the info, whoever wrote this please delete it cause it makes no sense what so ever, it's pretty obvious why they were chosen to score the movie

  5. Why all so negative, daft punk's sound is one of the most progressive
    sounds out there, you still hear their old tracks in clubs nowadays,
    and as they create the new era of dance music everytime,
    it will be different in the beginning and no one will understand it,
    but thats why they are so cool, they're ahead of their time.
    and in 2 years so many dj's will adjust their sound to daft punk's,
    because They Rock!!!

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