iPad Music Software: This video tutorial takes a look at getting started with Reactable Mobile – interacting with the dock, the table and Reactable objects.
via marcosalonso:
– Chocolate Milk – Action speaks louder than words (drum)
– Claude Bolling – Full Speed (bass)
Yep. Still loving Reactable.
Agreed. It's my go-to "kick-back app". Hands down.
I think the next-gen iPad could probably win me over, since there are so many great music Apps available now. I'm still holding onto the idea of having a Windows Tablet PC, since I already have all the software I like, which, at this point, is pretty much just Reaktor. Now, if Native Instruments would make a Reaktor for the iPad2, I'd be pretty down for a copy. It's my dream to have Reaktor in touchable mode, preferably worked on graphically for the new environment. Are you listening, NI? I'll give you my sweet, sweet cash next year if you do it…
I really want to avoid getting sucked into Apple's annual forced obsolescence cycle, but I've wanted a Reactable since I saw that thing years ago. Now things like Rebirth HD make it even more tempting… but shit man I know if I buy an Ipad or even an Ipad2 it will be obsolete and unsupported in a couple years max. For now I think I'll hold out to see if music app developers start supporting Android.
The main reason this kind of hardware (the iPad) seems to get obsolete so fast is because of the incredibly fast advance of its technology. It's like saying you won't buy a car this year because you know in 12 months there'll be a car twice as fast.
OK… bad example, but you see my point.
I, for one, have my money ready for the moment iPad2 hits the stores next year. Right now I'm happy with my 1-year-old iTouch and before that I had a 2nd gen Shuffle (the first one with a belt clip).
I must say that sometimes I REALLY hate apple. For instance, today, I lost 2 hours trying, unsuccessfully, to add an audiobook to my iTouch using a friend's computer. Something totally unacceptable to me that makes me love my Windows 7 stuff even more… however, some of those new music multi-touch programs sure are sexy.
The main reason this kind of hardware (the iPad) seems to get obsolete so fast is because of the incredibly fast advance of its technology. It's like saying you won't buy a car this year because you know in 12 months there'll be a car twice as fast.
OK… bad example, but you see my point.
I, for one, have my money ready for the moment iPad2 hits the stores next year. Right now I'm happy with my 1-year-old iTouch and before that I had a 2nd gen Shuffle (the first one with a belt clip).
I must say that sometimes I REALLY hate apple. For instance, today, I lost 2 hours trying, unsuccessfully, to add an audiobook to my iTouch using a friend's computer. Something totally unacceptable to me that makes me love my Windows 7 stuff even more… however, some of those new music multi-touch programs sure are sexy.
The main reason this kind of hardware (the iPad) seems to get obsolete so fast is because of the incredibly fast advance of its technology. It's like saying you won't buy a car this year because you know in 12 months there'll be a car twice as fast.
OK… bad example, but you see my point.
I, for one, have my money ready for the moment iPad2 hits the stores next year. Right now I'm happy with my 1-year-old iTouch and before that I had a 2nd gen Shuffle (the first one with a belt clip).
I must say that sometimes I REALLY hate apple. For instance, today, I lost 2 hours trying, unsuccessfully, to add an audiobook to my iTouch using a friend's computer. Something totally unacceptable to me that makes me love my Windows 7 stuff even more… however, some of those new music multi-touch programs sure are sexy.
The main reason this kind of hardware (the iPad) seems to get obsolete so fast is because of the incredibly fast advance of its technology. It's like saying you won't buy a car this year because you know in 12 months there'll be a car twice as fast.
OK… bad example, but you see my point.
I, for one, have my money ready for the moment iPad2 hits the stores next year. Right now I'm happy with my 1-year-old iTouch and before that I had a 2nd gen Shuffle (the first one with a belt clip).
I must say that sometimes I REALLY hate apple. For instance, today, I lost 2 hours trying, unsuccessfully, to add an audiobook to my iTouch using a friend's computer. Something totally unacceptable to me that makes me love my Windows 7 stuff even more… however, some of those new music multi-touch programs sure are sexy.
The main reason this kind of hardware (the iPad) seems to get obsolete so fast is because of the incredibly fast advance of its technology. It's like saying you won't buy a car this year because you know in 12 months there'll be a car twice as fast.
OK… bad example, but you see my point.
I, for one, have my money ready for the moment iPad2 hits the stores next year. Right now I'm happy with my 1-year-old iTouch and before that I had a 2nd gen Shuffle (the first one with a belt clip).
I must say that sometimes I REALLY hate apple. For instance, today, I lost 2 hours trying, unsuccessfully, to add an audiobook to my iTouch using a friend's computer. Something totally unacceptable to me that makes me love my Windows 7 stuff even more… however, some of those new music multi-touch programs sure are sexy.
The main reason this kind of hardware (the iPad) seems to get obsolete so fast is because of the incredibly fast advance of its technology. It's like saying you won't buy a car this year because you know in 12 months there'll be a car twice as fast.
OK… bad example, but you see my point.
I, for one, have my money ready for the moment iPad2 hits the stores next year. Right now I'm happy with my 1-year-old iTouch and before that I had a 2nd gen Shuffle (the first one with a belt clip).
I must say that sometimes I REALLY hate apple. For instance, today, I lost 2 hours trying, unsuccessfully, to add an audiobook to my iTouch using a friend's computer. Something totally unacceptable to me that makes me love my Windows 7 stuff even more… however, some of those new music multi-touch programs sure are sexy.