This iPad DX7 patch editor for TouchOSC, via armatronix, is designed to simplify and speed up programming the ‘notoriously difficult’ Yamaha DX7, TX7, and TX816 FM synths, via MIDI SYSEX.
It’s a free download (.touchosc file).
I have not tried this, but it looks like it could dramatically streamline working with the Yamaha DX synths. If you give this a try, leave a comment and let me know what you think of this iPad DX7 programmer.
via wifimidi, matrixsynth
I’ve used it, it works great
It’s not quite as slick as a software editor that receives SYSEX dumps so you can see what an existing patch looks like, but compared to using the data slider it makes things much easier.
I’m using it with a TX7, which you’d really have to be determined to want to program just on its own. It makes experimenting with this synth fun instead of a chore.
Of course, it will be more useful in a week or so when the Missing Link is released, but there’s no reason why someone can’t adapt this for osculator or pd. The SYSEX info is all right there in the OSC address space for each control.
Do you use this with something like the MIDI Mobilizer or a USB MIDI interface?
I am extremely new at this. I connect my iPad to the TX7 using an Alesis USB-MIDICABLE. I made very simple patches using the TouchOSC Editor, just notes. That produces sound. But with the patch I downloaded from this page I was unable to hear any sound. What am I doing wrong?
Hi, how could I use this with OSCulator or any other software on the mac? I tried, but no SysEx midi is coming out… could you point me towards the right direction if this is possible even without the Missing Link Hardware?
It's for use with the Missing Link:
The Missing Link receives OSC from TouchOSC and coverts the messages to MIDI. It's kind of like what OSCulator does, but it doesn't need a computer to work because the MIDI message is coded into the OSC address.
It's for use with the Missing Link:
The Missing Link receives OSC from TouchOSC and coverts the messages to MIDI. It's kind of like what OSCulator does, but it doesn't need a computer to work because the MIDI message is coded into the OSC address.
It's for use with the Missing Link:
The Missing Link receives OSC from TouchOSC and coverts the messages to MIDI. It's kind of like what OSCulator does, but it doesn't need a computer to work because the MIDI message is coded into the OSC address.
It's for use with the Missing Link:
The Missing Link receives OSC from TouchOSC and coverts the messages to MIDI. It's kind of like what OSCulator does, but it doesn't need a computer to work because the MIDI message is coded into the OSC address.
It's for use with the Missing Link:
The Missing Link receives OSC from TouchOSC and coverts the messages to MIDI. It's kind of like what OSCulator does, but it doesn't need a computer to work because the MIDI message is coded into the OSC address.
It's for use with the Missing Link:
The Missing Link receives OSC from TouchOSC and coverts the messages to MIDI. It's kind of like what OSCulator does, but it doesn't need a computer to work because the MIDI message is coded into the OSC address.
will this work using the iphone
I have an iPad controlling a tx816 with Touch Osc. The only thing that works is the keyboard, program changes and volume changes but how do I control the other parameters? I don’t see cc numbers for lfo or other parameters
Is the missing link hardware required? I’ve plugged in my iRig midi to my DX7 with the iPad Touch Osc app open with the proper layout, but it is not sending midi signal to the DX7.
Is it possible to use this app on an iPhone rather than an ipad? I don’t own either, but if its possible to edit my dx7ii with an iphone I’d consider buying one.
Doe`s anyone able to connect this TouchOCS without The Missing link HW?? I tried many ways – over OSC bridge, over DAW, over USB – MIDI – Camera kit. And no success.
After checking this out, it appears that it’s only going to work with the Missing Link hardware. The sysex messages it transmits to the DX7 are only sent via Missing Link – no other hardware combination is compatible with this. That is why the MIDI CC functions still work, but the other (editing parameters) do not. Somebody who is willing to port this over to MIDI designer using the sysex codes from within this template might be able to get it to work with other hardware (USB, CoreMIDI, etc) but until then this is useless without having the Missing Link hardware.
apparently this has been ported over to the TB Midi Stuff app, which shouldn’t require The Missing Link hardware
going to try this out tonight!