Saturday Synth Porn: This may be the most spectacular iPad synth controller yet.
Synth-Project has introduced its MC-20 Controller – a custom MIDI controller for the Korg iMS-20 iPad synthesizer.
The MC-20 Controller has a 3 Octave full size keyboard, so the controller is close to size of the the original Korg MS-20 synthesizer. The MC-20 has a built-in slot to hold the iPad.
The parameters are controlled by the USB64 Midi Interface from Doepfer, via knobs and pots, mirroring the original hardware. Patch cord connections are made using the iPad.
The MC-20 combines the hardware control of the original with the integrated sequencer and drum machine of the virtual version, creating a sort of standalone MS-20 workstation synth.
this is one sexy marriage…
Korg is stupid for not doing this themselves.
well…if you already have am ipad, why not!
Otherwise you have to buy the ipad, the controller… and it will still be a soft synth!
Sorry soft synths nerds but it doesn´t sound the same. It's not real flesh, it's a plastic doll that looks cool!
Here's an IDEA:
why don't analog fans bombard Korg for them to release a decent analog synth or a 21st century ms20! Just to keep customers happy!
I would buy that, even if i had to sell my wife!
So…someone please start a petition! I gave the idea!
Clever. I just use a PS3 Keytar controller with a Turtle Beach midi to USB cable.
Wow, this is awesome!
I agree, but I would think by now Korg, Roland and Yamaha would get the fact we want analog and will gladly pay for it. I'm perplexed as to why they absolutely refuse to even consider analog. What do they tell themselves? "We can't compete with Dave Smith and his four employees." No disrespect to Dave Smith, quite the opposite really.
Parts are no longer readily available to accurately reproduce the originals.
do they sell it at Ikea?
At last, a use for the iPad!
@ yeah yeah
wrong ….. it´s wood and aluminium
@gerry scotti
wrong … it´s a one-off
right …. that´s the point. Dedicated for the iPad App
All the best
I agree — Korg should make an updated MS-20, or similarly styled analog synth. It won't be the same as the original, due to the unavailability of some components. But they could definitely re-engineer a new analog using contemporary components. There are tons of analog synths being made these days, so the components are available, for example, Doepfer, Moog, Dave Smith, Buchla, etc.
But what about Monotron's oscillator, LFO and filter? Legacy MS-20 controller? The rest could be done via substitutes.
What bothers me is that interest in analogue started more than ten years ago, and still there was only VA's.
If Monotron was a sign for anything, next step should follow, like, NOW.
Hell yeah, about time they made a decent analogue…
It's not important to accurately reproduce the originals. Analog electronics in 2011 can produce more stable and impressive analog synths than the ones a few decades ago … How about a real analog CS80 with built in DIGITAL reverb? Why not an IMPROVED MS20 with additional features? Or a Jupiter8 with a weighted 88 note keyboard and a built-in STEP SEQUENCER? The list is endless … this is 2011, for God's sake! We can build whatever ANALOG custom ICs we want!
This is just the Korg legacy controller with some very smart mods added. Different mod wheel and keys, plus some kind of patch controller.
My Legacy controller is in a different state right now but has anyone tried just hooking the legacy controller up to the ipad korg?
[youtube kLOW150si8U youtube]
It just works
The problem, what holds this up? Expense. big companies need to sell boat loads of product to cover the overhead. Look at what the DSI PEK costs. $2,300.00 for 4 voices. great voices sure, but there has been whining on the internet about it not being ALL analog and too digital. How many of these do you suppose he has sold compared to any of the big 3 workstation things?
There really is a very small market for the kind of product that DSI and Moog represent. Knobs cost more money than a Matrix editor too. look at what that Voyager XL costs!
If you really want all analog and the versatility of an MS-20 you have to go modular. And that ain't cheap. How many comments are posted here about new gear where someone says "I would buy one if it cost xxx"? Well there is the problem. We all want everything cheaper and cheaper, there is just no way to make some of this stuff cheap enough to sell thousands of units.