Photojournaling For Electronic Musicians

Mark Mosher Audiocubes

Boulder, CO, electronic musician Mark Mosher has a thoughtful post on his site today, arguing that photojournaling your work can be important to your career:

As I work away, I always take a moment to shoot photos.

I wanted to recommend this form of journaling for two reasons.

First, it’s pretty cool to look back to remember what you were up to. Second, pictures like these can come in handy for your artist PR work.

In other words – a little synth porn might be good for you.

You may have some gear that is interesting because it’s unique or rare. But, if you have more common gear, there are probably other people with similar gear that are interested in seeing how you use it.

Mosher adds that Flickr and Twitter make it easy and free to publish your photos online and share them with fans.

It’s hard to measure the value of using tools like Twitter and Flickr. But they do provide a free platform for building and sharing a personal library of images. This may be useful, when it comes time to create a poster or other promotional piece. In the meantime, though, it’s an opportunity to connect with other people with similar interests.

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