Berlin boutique instrument company MFB is working on a new keyboard synthesizer – the MFB Dominion – according to a post at
Here are the details (Googlish):
- high quality analogue monophonic synth –
- 3 octave weighted keyboard with aftertouch
- pitch / bend and mod wheel
- arpeggiator, sequencer function (synchronized)
- 3 vco with FM and sync, pwm, saw / trangle mix
- 3 lfo (2 used as envelope) into the audio range
- Ringmod & noise
- MultiFilter (8-12 types) of a known filter development berlin
- 2 analog and fast envelope generators (voltage controlled), therefore easy to control at low cost
- high quality VCA
- digital delay (tbc)
- storable sounds
- midi and cv / gate controllable midi output
- quality pots, switches and knobs
- steel case with wood side panels
- Price: less than 1500 €
Consider these unofficial; there’s nothing on fhe company’s site about the MFB Dominion yet.
- high quality analogue monophonic synth –
- 3 oktaven weighted keyboard mit aftertouch
- pitch/bend & mod rad
- arpeggiator, sequencer funktion (synchronisierbar)
- 3 vco mit fm und sync, pwm, saw/trangle mix
- 3 lfo (2 als hüllkurve nutzbar) bis in den audiobereich
- ringmod & noise
- multifilter (8-12 typen) eines bekannten berliner filter entwicklers
- 2 analoge und schnelle ENVs (voltage controlled), daher gut regelbar bei niedrigen werten
- high quality VCA
- digital delay (tbc)
- speicherbare sounds
- midi und cv/gate steuerbar, midi ausgabe
- wertige potis, schalter und knöpfe
- stahlgehäuse mit holzseitenteile
- preis: unter 1500 euro
make a version without patch memory, digital fx and a keyboard and i'd be interested
well i really am too
but what i described would be something i were really interested
i understand their desire to add the digital delay.. delay really does a lot for a synth, so many uses, but its an added cost and many people already have a multitude of delays. as an analog synth i don't think it should have to compete with the other effect laden synthesizers.
i never really thought a mono synth needed patch memory, they're super easy to patch and with a year of programming under your belt you'll be able to dial up whatever sound you require in secondsl.. another unnecessary expense
keyboards with after touch are expensive when done right
i understand that all these things combined make a killer complete package. a lot of people have many of the components already though like a keyboard, fx..
it is really cool none the less and i'm excited to see it produced
it would be really cool if they made a stripped down version in a rack for people like myself though
Depending on the signal routing in the finished synth the delay could also be used to implement comb or allpass filters or Karplus-Strong synthesis for instance. A delay need not be purely an effect you slap onto your signal after all the sound shaping is over. If done right it can be a very useful addition to almost any synth.
I wonder whether the LFOs are realized digitally. If I were designing a cheap synth that contains a lot of digital already for MIDI, patch memory, routing, what have you, I'd stick with digital LFOs and ADSRs.
But, come on MFB, gimme the Urzwerg Pro (or Plus or whatever) before building a monosynth with a keyboard that I personally don't need!
you can see photos of the unit on the mfb site now