DJ Player for the iPhone & iPad has been updated to version 3.
Here’s what’s new:
- Universal app with native iPad and iPhone interfaces.
- New interface design, new minimal look.
- New workflow, new navigation. No more “which side is which” and “where am i”.
- No importing necessary: directly uses your iPod library, with playlist support. Mass analyzing of iPod library tracks, sort by BPM too. USB or WiFi upload is still available.
- Serato and Traktor metadata support (BPM and cue points).
- Much-much lower latency, reduced CPU usage. Feels faster.
- Double-deck output mode for hardware mixer.
- 4 gapless cue points, play like a sampler.
- Reverse play (tap before or after the pitch fader head).
- Auto beatgrid and waveform display.
- Automatic Vinyl Vision creation in background.
- Better sounding flanger and echo.
- Navigate between the screens using a gesture (iPad only, slide your finger from outside of the screen towards the center).
- Swap play/cue button position.
- Sharp echo/reverb release on/off.
- iPad only: master output fader, master VU meter before or after.
- Network BPM sync: if there is only one deck loaded, the app broadcasts and receives the current BPM value over the local WiFi network or Bluetooth, so you can sync between different devices. Very useful in Classic Club mode, or when you switch DJs in the booth.
DJ Player 3 is $29.99 in the app store.
DJ Player is a universal app with iPad and iPhone/iPod touch interfaces. It has 6 different output modes for different situations. 2 output modes are made for hardware mixer usage (the built-in mixer is off):
- Club Classic mode to use two devices with DJ PLAYER as two separate decks, connected to a hardware mixer. In this mode the two devices will sync the current BPM value over Bluetooth or WiFi.
- Double Deck mode to use one device with DJ PLAYER, connected to a hardware mixer. Headphone left is deck A, headphone right is deck B.
- 2 output modes for headphone cable adapters:
- Split Headphone for special Split Cable Adapter. Headphone left is master, headphone right is pre-listening.
- Split Headphone with Auto Stereo. Same as before, but full stereo when PFL buttons are off.
- 2 output modes with 2 independent stereo outputs:
- Home mode: headphone output is pre-listening, master output is transmitted to our NetOut app over the network.
- Club Master mode: headphone output is master, pre-listening is transmitted to NetOut. NetOut audio transmission is a special design for ultra-low latency DJ monitoring.
i could see using it for the ipad, but jeez 29.99 for an inphone app is just too much. the most i've paid for an app is 19.99 and i regret ever thinking about it. i'll just keep up with the reviews to see how it's being applied.
Interesting how they dispense with the two turntable look.
Anybody using this have insight into how well it works?
it use too much ram on ipad, effect are good but have lag so they are good in use with big questionmark
i don't know for new version if you can view all time waveform. if answer is yes then this is good news because vinyl mode sucks big time. i don't know any digital dj who use this vinyl mode. all rest is really good,but i agree that app is too expensive for me. why because i don't want half working effect so at the end i don't need effect at all, i use only one player, because every pro dj use on stage 2 separate player so in this case 2 ipads with 2 player, i don't need virtual mixer with 2 player on one ipad. when you cut mixer, when you cut one player, if app cost with this cuts 10 dollars. ok, i buy it then
sorry 4 my bad english !
@djsomebody This app uses the less RAM compared to any other DJing apps, much below 20 MB with 2 tracks playing continuously. You can view the full track waveform instead of the vinyl vision, check settings. No lags, performance and latency is in the pro hardware level (like Pioneers). Half working effect? You can use 9 different with touchpad or accelerometer, controlling 2 parameters at the same time… Like the KaossPad.
Simply awesome.
This app is the best dj-app for Ipad. Picth, precision effects, perfect for professionals. Recomend. Dj carrey, from Brasília, Brazíl
This app is the best dj-app for Ipad. Picth, precision effects, perfect for professionals. Recomend. Dj carrey, from Brasília, Brazíl