Image Line has introduced FL Studio 10 – the latest version of its popular digital audio workstation – adding 64-bit plugin support, improved memory management, unlimited Fruity scoring and automation flexibility and more.
Here’s what’s new:
- 64 bit plugin support – The Wrapper now automatically detects 64 bit plugins and opens them in 64 Bit ‘Bridged’ mode (see below).
- ‘New pattern’ (+) button – On the Channel Window / Step Sequencer. Add a Pattern and open the naming window.
- Small scrollbars in editors – Smaller scrollbar for the Piano roll, Event Editor, Playlist etc. See F10 > General Settings.
- Horizontal zoom – Improved Playlist, Piano roll & Event Editor.
- Improved memory management – Two changes have been made to lower demands on FL Studio’s memory allocation. 1. 32 & 64 Bit VST plugins can be opened in ‘Bridged’ mode. The maximum memory available to the plugin will be at least 2 Gb for 32 Bit Windows and up to 192 Gb depending on your version of 64 Bit Windows. 2. Audio Clips & Sampler Channels Keep on disk option now opens the sample in a separate memory allocation. Each Audio Clip / Sampler Channel can now load a sample of at least 2 Gb for 32 Bit & 64 Bit Windows versions.
- Improved audio options – ASIO: ‘Mix in bufferswitch’ and ‘Triple buffer’ may improve performance with some ASIO drivers. ASIO/Primary Sound: Revised ‘Playback tracking’ options to help with alignment of visual & recorded events where soundcard problems exist.
- Autosave / Autobackup – FL Studio can now be set to back up the current project at 5 to 15 minute intervals. Never lose project data again!
- FL Studio Fruity Edition – Now gains access to Playlist Pattern Clips for unlimited scoring and automation flexibility.
Image Line describes FL Studio 10 as “the fastest way from your brain to your speakers.”
See the FL Studio site for details.
Good news for FL Studio users? Let us know what you think in the comments……
I hope they've truly sorted out 64 bit support. I tried the 9.9 beta and it corrupted my Windows 7 64 bit install. VST's continually reported BEX errors, all my challenge/response unlocks undid themselves, and any program that had been run the day of the install couldn't access windows explorer without the system crashing.
A DAW program corrupted your whole Windows install? Not likely. Sounds like you have bigger problems than Fl Studio.
Wow. That's a pretty massive update. They've fixed lots of things that have been irritating me for a long time. I would still like to see better midi support though.
Wheres the dude that always complains about how flstudio is doomed to never work with 64 bit?
Greetings, I am sorry but there is no way our installer did that. We have had 1000's beta/alpha FL Studio 10 installs on Windows 7 64 bit Systems without incident. Further, it is impossible for any of that to happen due to FL Studio, it does not touch your operating system, VST installs etc. Regards Scott.
lol… he's probably lonely and crying somewhere, using his tears as lubricant…
In fairness to you guys it was on a Bootcamp Mac partition. It was a clean OS install that worked perfectly until I installed your beta. I zeroed the disc did another clean install and re-installed the beta. All the same errors re-appeared after that install. It's a brand new Mac Pro with no issues. You're probably right about the 1000's of other pc's, I'm sure my HP pc will not have an issue when I install the update. I don't think given the internal hardware involved my Windows Bootcamp should be any different than a PC but somehow it went haywire (Windows partition obviously) when your beta was installed.
I'm a happy registered user so I look forward to the 64 bit support and hope I don't encounter any issues.
See the above, I actually did 3 clean installs total. So not likely happened a total of times.
^edit^total of 4 times
oooorrr… could it be the bundled asio4all installation going crazy with your sound drivers? Seems unlikely, but at least that's affecting something in the system area.
could it be the bundled asio4all installation going crazy with your sound drivers? Seems unlikely, but at least that's affecting something in the system area.
I'd lov to be able to run Fruity Loops NATIVELY on Mac, not through Boot Camp, but I guess I'm doomed to wait forever and stick to Ableton Live.
Which is a shame, as I really miss FL immediacy…
And apparently FL Studio team listens to complaints…
I really like all the improvements with the piano roll. I am looking forward to the update!
This is a fantastic update. The one thing that put me off FL before was I thought the workflow was a bit clunky bit this is now a massive improvement and is a pleasure to use.
Hey scott since you know about Fl studio, when will they come out with a version for Mac? Is any date or anything?
"Wheres the dude that always complains about how flstudio is doomed to never work with 64 bit? "
I'm pretty sure we haven't heard the last from him.
Hey man, remember when Reason 5 included blocks all the FL partisans said they ripped off FL even tho FLs blocks (which are removed in this update actually) and Reasons blocks are totally different? So where are all those people now to mention that "Chainer" is just a copy of Reasons Combinator? I'm not hating, it's nice that FL has combinator now, just saying don't be hypocritical people!
Is it me or the new FL Studio version feels «heavier» than the last ones? I mean, I have 12 GB of DDR3 ram; i7 920; and FL Studio feels a little more heavier and slower than the past versions.
I've seen Image Line state that their coding is so dependent on Windows specific API's that it's impossible to port to Mac. I believe they said they were no Mac equivalents to the API's used and would have to code nearly the entire program from scratch. While not impossible it's probably outside the scope of a smaller company like them. So they're not freezing out Mac users purposefully from what I've read.
No I skipped the ASIO4All as it does not play nicely with my M-audio Fast Track Ultra.
Also why is most everyone here under the impression that a software install can't cause OS instability?
Hey, if FL10 seems slow check to make sure it didn't get reset to "primary sound driver" instead of ASIO during the upgrade.
sure a software install can cause that, but i'm pretty sure fruityloops doesn't make any system level changes. It doesn't copy or alter anything in the system directory, or register dlls (to my knowledge). If it's a bad install, it should only be affecting itself.
If you were installing something like directx, or daemontools, or drivers, or antivirus, sure, i could believe that, but if, for another example, you installed a text editor on your pc, and your pc stopped working, would you seriously be thinking it's the text editor?
Admittedly weird things do happen, and considering it's running on a mac, maybe it could be some issue to do with some kind of data causing errors on the disc, but that seems far fetched.
You said you installed fruityloops on a clean parition, and that the problem was repeatable. Could you perhaps try installing some other software and see if the same problem occurs? Might be a disc issue being triggered by an install writing to bad sectors.
That does suck quite a bit. :/
It's certainly one of the things that's kept me on windows all these years.
Feels lighter to me, though yeah, as below, check your sound driver. New versions pretty much reset all your system/audio settings.
I'm a rather die-hard Live user and truth be told that's not going to change anytime soon.
Still I do think a "congratulations!" is in order here. This release looks pretty awesome indeed! And I'll be honest; the "lifetime free updates" looks like a really fair deal to me.
What surprised me was how quickly you guys (FL Studio) seem to step up to confront the competition. For example; the 'patcher' section looks pretty impressive to me. I know; some fellow Live users may now start yelling "whaaa, audio effect rack, have those for ages" but that's hardly a fair comparison (from what I understand of patchers) nor my point.
The amount of extra flexibility you seem to add here which gives a lot of control back to the user seems to be a trend which is followed by a lot of daws these days (or so it looks to me).
And as much as I love my Live environment; can't deny the /fact/ that there will be many Live users out there which will envy your "Larger mixer by popular demand" addition (many Live users kinda dislike having a "full" mixer only in "session view").
One point of criticism…. I know its /very/ hard to top, but I REALLY liked "Fall silently" a lot better as supporting music.
Alas, keep up the good work!
All my other software installed without incident. After 2 of the clean OS installs I installed the FL beta before anything else and had problems each time. I'm in full agreement this what happened makes no sense at all, but it happened 4 times. I'm sure it was some bizarre issue related to it being a Bootcamp Win7 install, in other words there probably was nothing wrong FL's 9.9 installer but it still was a catalyst for Bootcamp to go nuts.
I'm not trying to paint Image Line in a bad light, I really like the company a lot.
I'm just scared this 10.0 and soon to be 10.0.1 build may give me similar issues, and like everyone else want to leave 32 bit in the past.
Thank for the constructive input Polite_Society.
That does suck. I hope it turns out better. Though could I suggest trying 10 anyway, considering it's not a beta? Maybe that's a bit much to hope for. Make a image of your windows partition before you do it so you can restore it if it all goes to hell.
There's nothing quite as bad as when your rig doesn't work right for some stupid problem. I pretty much stopped producing anything for a year when i had latency/freezing problems with my firewire mixer. It was just too depressing to deal with.
I wish you luck.
flstudio is the most under rated DAW –
you can used as many novation launchpads as you like
– live only supports 6
they should bring back” fruity tracks ”
it would be great for the ipad
When I double click the installer of FL Studio 10 Demo, A message pops out of my screen with the message:
The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you’re running. Check your computer’s information whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, And then contact the software publisher.
Im on
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Operating System
I’m trying to install M-AUDIO FAST TRACK from install cd on windows partition on my macbook and midi out is not showing up AT ALL under FL 10 midi settings even after installation went fine. Also it complains “not enough outputs” for fasttrack under audio settings..Already clean installed it like 4 times, same results. On mac side with logic everything works flawlessly. Anybody with a solution?
i`m myanmar. i like FL Studio……………………….
i need specical player life but i`m 15 year old
but i trying……..